Why Aren't I Like Them

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⚠️Tw: slur usage, homophobia, bullying⚠️

Saint James Middle School wasn't always the most accepting school. The teachers weren't the problem, they were fairly nice. It was the students that were the problem.

The students at Saint James Middle School weren't the friendliest. Even to each other, there was relentless bullying, no matter how hard the teachers or staff tried to stop it.

However, when Anne Boonchuy and Marcy Wu came along, it seemed as if all their attention laid on the two girls. Two girls completely different than the rest, two girls who stuck out like a sore thumb.

The bullying then turned onto the two. Name calling in the halls, kids making faces at them, even occasionally stealing their lunch.

Despite everything, the two girls persisted. They both looks past the bullying, and instead, focused on each other. Slowly, yet surely, the girls fell for each other.

The school however, quickly caught wind of their relationship.



Marcy slapped her hand onto the snooze button, sitting up and rubbing her eyes free of any tiredness.

If she was going to be honest, she was starting to hate school. Everyday since the school found out about her and Anne, the bullying got 10x worse. Not even the teachers came to their aid anymore.

Nevertheless, Marcy got ready for school. Brushing her teeth and putting her signature gray school hoodie. The rest of the morning flew by her, not really bothering to pay attention during the morning.

Walking to the bus stop, she saw that Anne was already there. Marcy went up and hugged her, burying her face into Anne's shirt.

"Hey Mar" Anne smiled, hugging back and resting her head on top of Marcy's.

"Hey Anne.." Marcy mumbled, her tone betraying her. Anne immediately let go, making Marcy whine due to the lost of warmth.

"What's wrong?" Anne asked. Marcy sighed, rubbing her forearm. "It's just- I really don't wanna go to school. Everybody there just, harasses us. I'm sick of it."

Anne kissed her cheek. "I know, I'm sick of it too. But, I'm sure things will change. One day they'll stop."

Marcy smiled. She never knew how Anne could keep an optimistic outlook in the harshest times.

The bus ride to school was as predicted, horrible. Everything was too noisy, and insults were hurled their way. Thankfully, their friend, Sasha was there. So the ride was a bit more bearable.

The hallways were proven to be worse. Kids shouted and harassed the two, never leaving them even a moment of peace.

Marcy looked away from her open locker to find people pulling the corners of their eyes to mock her eye shape, as if she could control that. She was used to it, it didn't bother her, but something else did.

"Dyke!" Somebody shouted. Marcy immediately stopped in her tracks, tears threatening to fall.

The other kids repeated it, damn near chanting.

She slammed her locker shut.


Anne wasn't having much luck either. Multiple people hurdled slurs her way, pointing and whispering.

"Hey Boonchuy! How about you find your dyke girlfriend?" A kid shouted, her friends laughing along. Anne whipped her head around to look at them.

Now, typically, Anne wasn't one for violence or fighting, but this just pushed her over the edge.

"Oh really?! You wanna say that again?" Anne menacingly stepped forward, facing the girl head on.

The girl face her with the same intensity, not backing down. "I said what I said, are you deaf?"

Anne raised her fist, ready to strike. The girl smirked "what're your gonna do? Hit me?"

It angered Anne even more, making her feel less and less guilty about punching the jerk.

When she heard a cry.

It came from down the hall, and she quickly lost focus on the girl and instead sprinted down the hall, trying to save whoever it was.

What she didn't expect, was for it to be Marcy.

Marcy was pinned against a locker, most likely her own. A boy held a fistful of her hoodie, snickering. Anne immediately ran full speed into them, knocking the boy away.

Marcy fell back to ground level, wide-eyed and holding the part of her hoodie that was grabbed.

Anne and the boy yelled back and forth for a bit, before he scoffed and waved his hand dismissively, walking away.

Anne looked back to Marcy, seeing her eyes full of fear. It looked as if she was just starting to process everything.

She held out a hand, offering a small frown. "Cmon, let's go" Marcy took Anne's hand, both making their way for the exit.


As soon as they were out, Marcy broke down into tears. "I- I just don't get it! Why can't they just leave us alone, Anne?!" She cried.

Anne frowned, hugging Marcy. "I don't know, I don't know Marbles. But, just don't listen to him alright?"

Marcy pulled away. "It's not just him Anne! It's everybody.." she hugged herself, looking down.

Anne tried to get closer, but Marcy pulled back again. "I just don't understand, why don't you hate the world?"

Anne stopped. "W-what do you mean?"

Marcy sniffled "You always find some reason to smile, to- to keep going, to keep seeing good in the worst places. The world hates us Anne! Nobody accepts us except your parents! Nobody else is on our side, nobody cares about us."

"So why don't you hate the world?" Marcy finally finished, tears staining her face.

"Because the world gave me you, Marcy." Anne said, just barely a whisper. A single tear fell.

Marcy's eyes widened, stepping forward, looking up at Anne.

Anne smiled "I love you so much, the world might hate us, but I don't care. I love us, and that's all that matters."

Marcy smiled, her watery eyes drying up. "I love us too."

They kissed, both feeling the love and affection of it. No matter what, they both decided, they would stay together till the very end.


Total word count: 997

A/N: Hello everyone! Super sorry that this came out incredibly late, life and school has been getting in the way, so I've decided to go on a break!

I'll be back in around a week, since writing has been stressful instead of fun, and because what I said earlier, life is getting in the way. I just need to take a moment to get my shit together lol.

Goodbye for now, I'll see you all later :)
(Note: added the trigger warning because I forgot)

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