Sleepover Confession

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Anne patiently waited for Marcy to come over. It had been a whole 7 months since they defeated Andrias and the Core. A lot had happened in 7 months..

Marcy's parents still made the choice to move, despite the fact that their daughter just returned from a completely different world. Anne supposed that maybe because of legal stuff they had to move anyways.

Anne knew that Marcy's parents could be.. difficult, at times. But they'd never do that without something forcing them to. Luckily, Marcy was able to come back here for a month long visit.

She watched as a car pulled up to her parent's driveway, and drop off a familiar raven-haired girl. Anne could feel her heart beat faster. Attempting to ignore it, she rushed to her front door to welcome Marcy.

As soon as she opened the door, Anne got a bear hug from Marcy, nearly tearing up.

"I can't believe it, I'm finally here!" Marcy exclaimed. Looking around Anne's house in awe. "Yeah, me neither." Anne chuckled. "Here, let's go upstairs to my room to catch up,"

Anne thanked Mr. and Mrs. Wu before heading upstairs with Marcy. Both girls were giggling and smiling, like it was before they had found out about Amphibia, before the music box, before everything was complicated and messy.

Sometimes Anne wished that she could go back to those days. The memories would always stick with her, good or bad.

But at the same time, she wouldn't have had it any differently.

She supposed Marcy felt the same since she spoke up. "You ever wonder how different things would be if.. we never went to Amphibia?" Anne thought for second, sitting on her bed for more concentration.

She finally shrugged "I don't know.. I honestly can't imagine a world where we didn't go to Amphibia."

Marcy simply just nodded, although it was pretty clear something was bothering her. "You alright Marbles?" Anne worriedly asked. Marcy snapped her attention back to Anne. "Oh yeah I'm fine, don't worry." Marcy gave a smile.

"If you say so.." Anne sighed, before grabbing her phone with a grin. "You wanna watch a movie?" Marcy's eyes lit up. "Do I ever?!"

Both got comfy on Anne's bed, propped up on a couple of pillows and blankets, they were all set  and ready to start watching the movie. (Which was Star Wars)

Marcy self-consciously scooted closer to Anne, leaning against her. Both seemed to notice this, but neither said a word out of shyness. Anne could feel her face heat up, but tried shaking it off by paying attention to the movie.


Marcy let her mind wander, not really paying attention to the movie. She wandered back to the music box, that damn box.

She couldn't really blame anybody. Sure, she could blame the box all she wanted, but it wouldn't change the fact that she was the one who got them stuck in a different world.

And she was the one to get herself stabbed.

Marcy absentmindedly raised her hand to her chest, almost feeling the scar left there.

She was the person responsible for that scar.

She brought her friends to another world, for what?

What did she gain from Amphibia? Nothing. Absolutely nothing.

Unless you count the trauma.

Marcy glanced up to see Anne's phone, and a particular scene came up.

Marcy was no stranger to movies with disturbing scenes, especially this scene in Star Wars where Anakin got his legs sliced off (I know, very gorey). But something felt different this time.

Maybe it was because she let herself wander back to her memories of Amphibia.

Or maybe it was because she knew how it felt.

Marcy let out a hiss of pain as she clutched her shirt with her fist. A shot of pain went through her chest. Anne immediately looked over. "Marcy, is everything alright?"

"Y- yeah I'm fine Anne-" Marcy winced at another shot of pain. "P-perfectly fine.."

"Mar-mar, I can cancel the sleepover if your hurting a lot-" Anne placed a comforting hand on Marcy's shoulder. "You don't have to pretend it's fine."

Marcy didn't respond, she only let herself fall deeper into the hole she dug. She didn't want Anne to cancel the sleepover just because of some stupid pain she was feeling.

Stupid, stupid, stupid- Marcy thought. Cant you do anything right?!

Apparently not. Marcy sniffled, curling up into a ball, not hearing Anne's worried questions. All you do is ruin everything, like usual.

Marcy suddenly felt arms wrapping around her waist, distracting her from her thoughts. "Huh..? A-Anne?" Anne pulled Marcy close, sitting behind her and letting Marcy lean into her.

"I'm right here Marcy, don't worry." Anne laid her head on top of Marcy's, kinda like a bird's nest.

Marcy broke down in tears, bringing herself closer to Anne. "I'm sorry, I'm sorry-" Anne tilted her head. "For what?" She asked. "For getting us into this mess, for trapping us in Amphibia- for, everything.." Marcy buried her face into Anne's chest, staining her sweater with tears.

Anne cupped Marcy's cheeks and made Marcy look at her. "Marcy, I forgive you. For everything" She smiled. "Don't let anybody let you think differently, alright? You're one of the bravest people I know." Anne continued.

"Being able to overcome everything you went through is one of the bravest things you've done Marcy, don't ever forget it." Marcy's eyes widened, smiling softly. "Y- you really think so?" She sniffled.

"Of course Marbles." Anne chuckled, and gave Marcy a peck on her forehead. Not really thinking about the action beforehand.

Both girls let out a squeak of surprise as their faces flushed red. Marcy hid her face in her hands shyly. Anne laughed nervously.

The silence that followed afterwards was deafening. Neither said anything, whether it was out of embarrassment or shyness, nobody knew.

"Er- sorry for uhm.. doing that-" Anne coughed out. Marcy removed her hands from her face. "Oh- no it's alright!" Marcy chuckled. "I didn't actually mind.." The last part was barely a whisper. Anne's eyes widened. "Y-you didn't mind?"

Marcy flushed, awkwardly rubbing the back of her neck. "N-not at all no.."

Oh frog- should I tell her? Anne carefully held Marcy's hand, her face reddened. "Hey Marcy..?"

Marcy's eyes widened. "Yeah?" Anne sucked in a huge gulp of air. "I love you Marcy, and not as friends- if that wasn't obvious enough. I love you, I love how you rant about the smallest things, the way you smile, everything. I love everything about you Marcy."

Marcy smiled. A big, goofy smile that lit up the room. "I love you too Anne." Both stared into each other's eyes for a moment, before connecting the lips together.

They separated and giggled, just happy to be in the other's company.

Total word count: 1143

A/N: Just barely finished this in time! Here's a nice oneshot for the holidays, and I hope you all have a Merry Christmas :)

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