Ice cream Disaster

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⚠️Tw: homophobia, ableism(?), slur usage(?)⚠️

Marcy quickly put on a black skirt and brown sweater with a white collar.

She checked herself in the mirror, fixing her hair. I can't be looking like a mess on the first date! She thought.

Today was the first date between Anne and Marcy, and she was stressing a bit. "Marcy? Is everything alright?" Her mom asked.

"Yup I'm fine mom!" She could her mom laughing. "You don't need to stress so much about your first date! I'm sure she'll love you messy or not."

Marcy opened her mouth to argue but closed it once she heard the doorbell ring. "No time to argue!" She yelled. Marcy clumsily made her way to the front door.

She swiftly put on her shoes and opened the door, seeing Anne.

Sometimes Marcy found it hard to think that Anne was now her girlfriend. Caring, beautiful Anne, her girlfriend? It seemed impossible before.

But there she was, in a yellow sweater with black jeans and purple and white shoes.

She's perfect Marcy thought, smiling.

"You ready?" Anne asked, grinning from ear to ear. "Of course!" Marcy hugged her tightly, giving Anne a small peck on the cheek before separating.

Anne laughed. "Then let's go Marbles!" She grabbed her girlfriend's hand and walked with her to the place they decided to go to that day.

Marcy absentmindedly started flap her free hand. It was a stim she often did while excited or happy.

Anne smiled even more, she was glad to see that Marcy was happy on their first date. "Where are we going anyways?" Marcy asked. Anne put a finger to her lips. "It's a secret Mar-mar."

Marcy pouted. "Anne! You know I can't stand the suspense!" She playfully bumped Anne in the shoulder. Anne laughed. "Trust me it's worth it!"

"It better be," Marcy chuckled. "I hope it's what I think it is."

Anne smiled. "It probably will be, maybe even better." She chuckled.

While they walked, Anne couldn't help but notice the stares or weird looks they got. Anne looked to their hands, she glanced back to a few of them, giving them a harsh stare back.

Not today. Anne thought. She didn't want anybody to ruin this day for her or Marcy. Luckily, Marcy didn't seem to notice the stares. She only focused on where they were going.

"We're here Marce," She stuck her arm out to present the building. It was an ice cream parlor, that was relatively empty. That's a bit weird- Anne thought.

"The surprise is an ice cream parlor!" She grinned. Marcy's eyes lit up, she let go of Anne's hand to flap both her hands up and down. The girl basically had stars in her eyes.

"Oh my frog it's exactly what I thought it would be! Thank you thank you thank you!" Marcy said extremely fast. Anne barely heard what she said but Anne was glad she was happy.

"Heh, it's nothing Marcy! Now cmon, let's get some ice cream!" She lead her girlfriend into the shop, walking up the counter to order.

An employee walked up to the counter, greeting them and asking what they wanted. "I'll have a chocolate ice cream." Anne replied. "And I'll have mint chocolate chip!" Marcy smiled, flapping her hand again.

The employee's face went still and, almost cold. "Are you two holding hands?" She asked, almost suspicious.

"Yeah-?" Anne raised an eyebrow, confused. She looked to Marcy. "Why is she flapping her hand around? Is she autistic or something?"

Marcy stopped, going stiff. "I- uhm, I am.." Her voice was barely a whisper. She looked down at her shoes, avoiding eye contact.

The employee scoffed. "Of course a stupid person ended up here. You're both gay too aren't you?"

Marcy looked at her hand intertwined with Anne's, and let go, shoving her hand into the pocket of her skirt.

Anne flashed a glare at the employee. "Listen, I don't know who you are, but could you stop berating us and just give us our ice cream?" She angrily said, barely keeping her temper.

"Y'know, I think you both could benefit from something I heard about recently," She rubbed her temples, trying to remember. "It was called conversion therapy or something. You could use it."

That made Marcy shake. "I- I'd rather not actually.." She weakly replied. Marcy turned her head to the floor again, she knew what happened if you actually went. Marcy had no intentions of going there.

Anne grabbed Marcy's hand. "Well this was a horrible chat. We'll be going somewhere else," She started walking out with Marcy. "No wonder this place is empty." Anne added.

The employee rolled her eyes. "Whatever, go you dumb queer!"

Anne whipped her head around, ready to fight but Marcy stopped her. "Cmon Anne- there's no use in fighting.."

She sighed and reluctantly walked away. Both made their way to the park where it was desolate. The sky was beginning to turn orange.

"I am so sorry." Anne said, looking at Marcy.

This day was meant to be perfect, not horrible. Anne thought. She couldn't help but feel like she was the one who got them into the situation.

Little did she know that Marcy felt the same way, only it was 10x worse.

Anne heard sniffles coming from Marcy. She reached a hand out but she felt it swatted away.

"No- I should be sorry Anne! I- if I just stopped stimming, then maybe we could've enjoyed our ice cream, it's all my fault.." Marcy mumbled, tears rolling down her face.

She felt arms around her back, and somebody resting their head on hers. "It's not your fault Marcy, it never was." Anne solemnly said.

Those eight words meant so much, Marcy didn't know what else to say to that. She just broke down in Anne's arms, finding comfort in her girlfriend.

"T-thank you," Marcy buried her head into Anne's shoulder. "It, it means a lot."

Anne gave Marcy a peck on the cheek. "I know it can be hard, but just promise to never let them get to you okay?" Marcy smiled.

"I won't, I promise."

Total word count: 1030

A/N: woo! I got another oneshot out! I hope you all enjoyed this, I also want to know how I did tackling ableism/homophobia. I haven't had any experience myself, so I went off just what I've heard about. I'm always open to criticism on this part though!

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