Regretting the Past

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⚠️Tw: self deprecation, suffocation(?)⚠️
Feel free to tell me if I missed anything!

Anne laid on her old bed, one she hadn't seen in six months. She stared up at the white, dull ceiling, rethinking every action within the past 24 hours that led up to this.


Marcy slid to the ground, eyes flickering before finally giving up what little life they had left.

"You MONSTER!" Sasha screamed, grabbing a fistful of Anne's shirt as she tried going back to the present, shock covered her entire face.

The Plantars looked, scared. Dare she say it, but they looked scared of her. Sprig tried taking a step forward but was promptly stoped by Hop Pop, who just looked in betrayal. Not mad betrayal, but hurt betrayal. It made Anne feel even worse.

The king snapped his fingers and bots carried the body away to what he called a 'rejuvenation tank', whatever that was. Anne could honestly care less about that now, the only thoughts swirling around Anne's brain were the fact she had just killed her best friend. The friend she had known since they were basically babies.

All she knew now was that she had to get out of here.

Frantically, she escaped Sasha's iron grip and ran to the music box while the king was distracted. Grabbing it off the pedal still, the blue, green, and pink lights shutting off immediately. The castle also began to make its slow decent down back to the ground, causing everyone to lose balance.

She temporarily lost the music box, scrambling to get it back into her possession. Once she did, she fiddled with the gems and the handle, desperately shaking the box in a way to get back home.

The Plantars rushed over, despite seeing their adopted granddaughter/sibling just kill their best friend, they were still concerned for her. Not wanting to make the situation worse by having Anne accidentally go to a completely different realm than Earth.

"Anne, slow down on the buttons!" Hop Pop called out, hoping to stop Anne in her fruitless quest. She did the opposite, pressing and turning everything faster. Sasha held off the robots, seeing Anne frantically open the box.

"Wait! You can't leave Marcy here, WE, can't leave Marcy here!" Sasha called out, but it was too late. The king finally reentered, his eyes widened as a flash of white light overcame the room from the box.

When Anne woke up, she found herself hearing the noise of a busy, traffic-jammed highway.


Anne remembered the dead silence that fell over the group when they walked to Anne's house. It was deafening.

Once they all made it to her house, they had a short conversation on how to introduce anthropomorphic-amphibians from a completely different world to Anne's parents. Eventually they decided on a slow introduction, which they failed at after they mistook a bird call for the actual signal.

Anne's parents were obviously very happy to see their daughter, hugging her as tight as they possible could. Crying tears of joy because they finally were reunited with her, they knew she was safe.

It made Anne feel sick.

After today, Anne felt horrible. Her parents were so, so happy to their daughter. If only they knew what she had actually done just a few hours ago. She didn't feel like she deserved any of them, Anne had just killed someone, and they were happy she was back? It made her feel like she was manipulating them, like she was pulling them along with a string of lies.

She rolled over to her side, facing the wall that her bed was pressed up against. She didn't come down for dinner after the excuse that she was tired, which wasn't entirely a lie. It was mainly because she felt she was taking advantage of her parents.

Grabbing one of her pillows, Anne hugged it tightly. She buried her face into it, trying to remember when she and Marcy would do the same thing during sleepovers. Her eyelids flickered, on one hand she wanted to stay awake, but she so tired.

Her eyes finally closed, letting her drift off to sleep, loosening her grip on the pillow.


Anne awoke in an empty field, the place seemingly having lost its color. Everything was monochrome, grays, blacks, and white all mixed to create an eerily depressing place.

Not even the sky was free from the monochrome hell that was this field. The sky was just as depressing as the rest of the setting. Right as Anne was about to turn around to get a better scope of the place, she heard rustling.

She whipped her head around, seeing a familiar figure with a green glow around them. They were full of color. Olive skin seemingly glistening, and their bronze gold armor and the rest of their outfit was colorful. The lower half of their body was missing, leaving only a cartoonish swirl.

"M-Marcy?!" Anne called. 'Marcy' opened their eyes, a neutral expression remaining on her face.

"Marcy!" Anne ran towards them, arms extended for a hug. She crashed into them, wrapping her arms around them as tight as humanly possible. "I am so, so sorry. I- I didn't mean to actually.."

Marcy didn't move her arms, instead she stiffened, a conflicted expression in her face.

Anne felt her stiffen, letting go and looking at her face. "M-Marcy?"

She thrusted her arms into Anne's shoulders, shoving her away. Anne fell to the ground, eyes wide.

Marcy turned her back on Anne, crossing her arms and slowly floating away.

"W-wait! Please I'm sorry! I didn't mean to, I-" Anne struggled to keep up, despite the ghost's slow pace. Her feet felt like they were getting sunken into the ground, making it hard to lift them.

Half their body was under the ground, it was hard to breathe due to crushing weight on her chest. She called out for Marcy again, hand extended out.

The ghost turned around, the color draining from their figure. The green glow slowly turning into orange. "You brought this upon yourself Anne."

Anne's eyes widened, before she was sunken completely below the ground.

She fell into a tube like tank, filled to the brim with green water. Anne realized that she wasn't in her normal clothes, but some sort of wetsuit.

There was no oxygen mask, and Anne quickly saw that the tube tank was closed, and that there was no escape. Running out of air, Anne desperately banged on the glass of the tank, hoping that someone, anyone, would come rescue her.

That someone, was herself.

A younger version of herself came into view, at first shocked, but it quickly turned to disgust. "I can't believe that this is what I'm gonna become."

With that, Anne stopped banging on the glass. She watched as her younger self left without looking back.

Anne watched her leave, her mind slipping in and out of consciousness.

Not even my younger self wants me.


Anne woke up in her bed, morning light shining through. She rubbed her eyes, slowly making her way out of bed. Guilt trailed behind her as she made it down to the breakfast table.

A ghost with a green outline watched from afar.

Total word count: 1202

A/N: AAAA THIS WAS SO FUN TO WRITE! I'm glad you all enjoyed the last oneshot. I'm so proud of this one. On a side note; I just saw that I have 12K READS WHAT-

I just wanna thank all of you for the support you've all shown for these silly little oneshots. It truly means the world to me that people are actively tuning in to read these :)

(And a little insight on the next one, it's gonna be fluffy)

Thank you all, I'll see you in the next oneshot!

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