Snowy Nights

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Anne zipped up her black jacket, the hood lined with brown-gray fluff. It reminded her of somebody.

She took a look at the clock; 1:38 AM.

The sky was a dark blue, barely visible only because of the full moon and lightly dusted, snowy ground.

She always liked the snow, her best friend did too.

Used to.

Normally Anne would be asleep, but she couldn't. She hadn't been able to sleep since, well- she couldn't remember anymore.

Putting on some boots and gloves (and a scarf too), she sneakily made her way to the front door, careful to not wake Domino.

Anne took a look at her house, it felt weird seeing it only lit up via moonlight, but it was oddly calming too.

Opening the door, Anne was met with snow flakes blowing onto her face. She smiled, the first one cracked in over a week. It felt nice feeling the snow hit her face and the cold overtaking her body. It made her feel alive.

Unlike her.

Anne made her way down the steps. The snow would last for at least tonight and all day, her tracks would covered completely.

The lightly snowed street was a breathtaking view, the only street lamp illuminating the falling snow flakes. The road was also lightly snowed.

Anne walked down the street, a certain location in mind. As she continued to walk, she was constantly reminded of her. She was the person keeping her up at night. She was the person who made her wear her clothes, trying to still remember their scent.

She was the person who left her on that fateful day.

The snow started falling down harder, making Anne pull her hood over her head. By now she was fairly far away from home, but she'd make it back before anybody noticed her gone.

"Cmon Anna-banana! The creek is this way!"

Anne froze, whipping her head around to find nobody. I could've sworn that was-

Nevermind. She thought, hugging herself for warmth and comfort. Anne continued on her way, constantly checking behind her for anybody, or her.

Tears started forming in her eyes, she so badly wanted her to be beside her at this very moment, telling her that it'll be okay, that things will get better.

"Anne.. Im right here! See? There's no need to cry.."

Anne lifted her head up, seeing nothing but a fading green glow. Immediately she took a step back.

"Whoever you are- this isn't funny! I know you're not actually her. Just show yourself!" Anne yelled, her voice echoing in the street. For a split second she thought somebody heard her.

But nobody did.

Anne felt more tears stream down her face, but she quickly wiped them away, walking further down the road.

It's not her, you're just hearing things. She's dead.

She trudged through the snow, it was now just a bit higher, the flakes kept falling even faster if it was possible.

A green glow could be seen in the corner of her eye, snapping her attention there, she saw it fade. Still nobody.

Angrily, she threw a snowball in a random direction, accidentally hitting something midair.

Anne blinked, hearing a small squeak of surprise.

It went away as quickly as it came however, and Anne stomped the rest of the way.

Pushing back a small branch, she stepped into the woods. They weren't really too big, but enough to be able to get lost. Anne wasn't lost though, she knew this path by heart.

Then, she finally saw it, a frozen creek. Minnows could be seen swimming under the thin layer of ice.

Anne remembered when she found it. Marcy was walking through the woods trying to study some insect when she found the creek. Marcy brought her to the place and it became their number one hang out spot.

They'd make flower crowns, stargaze, or just cuddle whenever they wanted. It was the most beautiful place ever.

Sighing happily, she sat down, feeling at ease finally. The moon lit up the entire forest, making the creek shine as well. It was perfect. Well, almost.

A green glow emitted next to her. Anne snapped her head next to her, and this time, the figure stayed.


The ghost shyly waved. "Hi Anne.."

Anne threw her arms around Marcy, fully expecting her arms to go through, but they didn't. She hugged Marcy with all her might, and Marcy hugged back just as tightly.

"Why didn't you show yourself earlier?!" Anne asked, tears staining her cheeks. Marcy cupped her face. "I wanted to lead you here so I could tell you something. Also because I didn't want you to be talking in the middle of the street like a crazy person-"

Anne laughed, pressing her forehead against Marcy's. "I missed your mini rants.." Marcy chuckled. "And I missed you."

Marcy sat up, taking Anne's hand into her own and inhaling before she spoke. "Anne I just wanted to say, no matter what happens, just know that your family loves you."

Anne tilted her head, but Marcy continued. "You have to realize that.. I can't come back Anne."

The words hit her like a stone.

"What?! No- no, no, no! I can bring you back Marcy! I just-" Marcy placed a finger on her lips.

"Please Anne, I know it's hard, but you have to move on. I don't want you getting stuck on me."

Anne sniffled. "I just- I don't wanna lose you, not again."

Marcy smiled. "You won't, I promise. I'll always be with you, even when you don't think so." She placed a hand on Anne's chest.

"Because I'll always be in your heart." Anne teared up even more and hugged Marcy tightly.

"Just one more thing." Anne let go, her hand being held.

Marcy took out the green hair pin in her now messy black hair, and placed it in Anne's palm. "Now you'll always have a part of me with you."

Marcy smiled for one last time. "We all love you Anne, don't forget it."

Marcy raised her hand up to her forehead, saluting goodbye.

Anne clutched the hair pin, saluting back to Marcy before she finally faded.

Total word count: 1038

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