Wake up!

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"Pshh wake up" I heard someone say. I feel a finger poking my face.

I slowly open my eyes. I look over to the side and see that it's 5am. I look around and see Jessie in the room. "Good morning my love" she says.

"Good morning honey" I say. "Let's get you ready, meet me downstairs I have breakfast ready before I go" she says walking out.

I get up and use the restroom. I look around and find Brendon still fast asleep on my bed still. I put on my slippers and walk down to where Jessie was at.

I sat down beside her and we ate our breakfast while having a conversation. The only thing we were trying to avoid this morning is saying goodbye to each other.

I look at the time and it's 6am. Jessie has to get to the airport in about 30 minutes. We clean up the mess we made and we lay down next to each other on the couch watching a movie together. We cuddled until it was 6:30. It was time for us to say goodbye. We wiped each other's tears away and kissed and hugged each other which felt like eternity and finally we said goodbye and I watch Jessie drive away.

I turn off the tv and make my way back upstairs. I enter my room but this time Brendon isn't in the bed. The light in the bathroom is on though and I hear gagging noise. Most likely Brendon. I knock on the door and there were still gagging noises.

I open the door and find Brendon leaning against the toilet wiping his face.

" Did I wake you?" He asks.

"No, I've been awake. Just said goodbye to Jessie she's leaving for a month or so" I say.

"Oh, I'm sorry honey. Come here" he says, while I start to sob again. We both sit on the floor in the bathroom and he entrapped me into a hug.

"Let it all out, you're alright. You guys are going to be just fine. I promise" he whispers while kissing my forehead. After I wipe my tears away. I could feel Brendon turning around and puking once again. This time it was my turn to make sure he was fine. I got up and rubbed his back.

Once he was done, I helped him up and he rinsed out his mouth and I sat at the edge of my bed waiting for Brendon to return.

"How are you feeling now?" I ask him.

"I'm alright, don't worry too much" he says.

He sits besides me on the bed but this time he lays his head on my lap. I slowly move my hands up and down his back and moved my fingers through his hair.

"I should be doing this to you" he sighs.

"It's okay, you need it more than me" I say.

"Are you hungry?" I mumble.

"Not really, but let's go make something and get some for Sarah" Brendon says.

I walk downstairs with Brendon behind me. As I'm flipping the pancakes I hear a moan coming from Sarah.

Brendon stays back flipping the pancakes and I make my way up to Sarah.

"Are you okay?" I ask Sarah

"Yea, just the contraction. The doctor says it's Braxton hicks." She says.

"The doctor did say you need to rest hun" Brendon says.

"You too, but I don't see that happening" Sarah says to Brendon.
We all sit around the table and eat breakfast. Well I sat there poking my food.

"Why aren't you eating?" Brendon asks.
"I ate with Jessie already before she left" I told him.
"Oh" he says. Sarah nudged him and he mouths to her 'I'll explain later' and Sarah nods.

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