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" I'm sorry for being harsh on you. I just care too much." I explain. Silence

I set the drink and his medicine down on the night stand. I go over and lay beside him. I rest my head on his chest and wrap my arms around him.

"I don't want to loose you, I'm probably gonna loose my girlfriend, I don't doubt that. She's on the other side across the country and it seems like she is having more fun than me" I explain sighing.

I look up to Brendon's face and still he's silently staring at the ceiling. " I guess, I'll let you go then" I say pushing myself up from Brendon's body. As I try to get up, Brendon's arms pulls me in tighter. "Stay" he mumbles.

"Then tell me what's the matter then?" I ask him. I see a tear roll down his face. I wipe it away. "Just, I think my career is over. I feel as if I don't have the motivation to continue touring or do anything in the condition I am. I feel like a burden to myself, my family, you and Sarah, my friends, my fans just everything. I think I'm the one that is broken." he says, wincing in pain again.

"Stop that talking Dad!" I say. "You are no where near as of what you are saying about yourself. What happened to the Brendon that first adopted me? The one that ran around the house naked and didn't care who saw your nice bottom and the one that rode in the shopping cart and into the pool. The one that dressed as their alter-ego Drisella Kokane for fun and got criticize for dressing as them in public, but didn't give two fucks about what other's had to say about them. What happened to him?" I say talking  about all the fun experience we used to have.

"Nothing" he mumbles.

"Exactly, NOTHING happened to him. He's still the same guy, the one that was my idol and the one that adopted me. He just matured and yes he got himself into trouble and got himself hurt, but he just evolved, and that is fine. All he needs to know is that his fans, friends and family got his back especially his daughter. Although they butt heads at times, the daughter will always be around taking care of him because before she was adopted she had no one, just a poster of her now Dad on the wall to cheer her up" I say.

"Explain to me, why you're my daughter again" Brendon says raising his eyebrows.

"Shut up, the point is that YOU are not a burden to anyone." I say.

"Fine mom. Can we go outside I would like to chill with the boys and this time I'm having my phone on me so I can text you if I need help, because I don't want you hovering me, go be a teenager." He says pushing himself up.

"Before you go, take this" I say handing him his medicine and drink.

He takes it within one gulp of water. We both get up and we walk towards the door. As Brendon reaches for the knob, the door swings open and knocks Brendon down and he falls onto me.

"HEY BITCHE- Shit Mr. Urie, Em are you okay?"Conan asks as he looks at the scene in front of him.

"Eh, Em are you okay? You broke my fall." Brendon asks me.

"I'm alright, just might have a bruise here and there but I'm fine, but you need to get up and out like you said" I say as Brendon starts to scoot over. Conan walks over to us and helps Brendon up and I get up myself.

"You sir, we need to talk! Meet me in my room in a bit" I say glaring at Conan.

Brendon starts walking outside to the chair, but he's limping and crouching down because of his back I assume. He sits on his reclining chair and I put pillows along his back to provide extra cushion. I place his water bottle on the table beside him and put a blanket over his lap. I help him recline back.

"Go be a teenager, I'll be fine" he shoos me away.

I start to climb the stairs and enter my room upstairs.

"Oh gosh, I'm sorry Em. I didn't mean to hurt you nor your dad. Please don't be mad" he says as I go over and engulfs him in a hug.

"Uh I wasn't expecting this" he says opening his eyes.

"Well here" I say giving him a smack to the head.

"Ah that's my Em. So how've you been?" He asks me.

"Meh" I reply.

"I'm sorry you feel that way, I know what happened to Jessie. Which is why I'm here" he explains.

"Wait how did you know I was in the room with Brendon?" I ask.

"Oh I think Sarah told me" he tells me.

"But what the hell happened to you and your dad, you look like you got ran over by a car and your dad looks like a walking zombie" he says.

"Yea let's say I was in the hospital yesterday because I had an accident and well Dad you already know, but no puking tho" I tell him.

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