Hang out

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I felt bad, leaving Jessie just hanging there. So I decided to text her back.

Emmy: Hey, sorry I stood you up about going to the mall, I was wondering if today be an okay day to make it up to you, but wanna come over to my house instead?

Jessie 🏳️‍🌈: Oh my Emmy Urie, I thought you forgot about me and Omg she's asking me to come over of course I would love to!!! Text me the addy and time and I'll see you then

Yess she replied back to me, oh wait I need to ask dad. He should be fine, I mean he is having friends come over too.

Emmy: Hey Daddio, can the Jessie Paege come over pleaseeeeeeee. I'm lonely and I'm dying of meeting new people

BrenDad: Ofc Emmy, She can sleepover if she wants. Also the gang are coming too so I don't see why I should say no unless.. hmmm

Emmy: Okay okay Dad I get it thanks, I love you

I was glad that Dad let me have Jessie over not to mention a sleep over.

I decided to text Jessie.

Emmy: here's the addy  420 ineedablunt Ave. 42069 IM DEAD, JK

You can come anytime you want, oh yea Dad said you can sleepover too also bring a bathing suit or something might go for a swim since it's heated.

Jessie 🏳️‍🌈: Okay cool, see ya soon then

I decided to put my phone to charge and put the album FANDOM by Waterparks, while I jump in the shower.

"You don't love me the same
It's such a fucking shame
I don't deserve as much
As all your pop faves
You wanna hear my art
But only on your terms
So learn these fucking words
I like cool shirts
I like cold rings
I want a big house
I want nice things
I want jet packs for all my friends
I want a big house
I want nice things" I sang out loudly while shampooing my hair. I finally finish showering and I get out drying myself. I put on my undergarments and throw on a oversized t-shirt which was probably Brendon's. Once I finished with that I do my daily facial routine which is put on moisturizer and moisturize my body too.

Then I go over to my closet to pick out the outfit I want.

I ended up with a black ripped jeans, a long sleeve Hollister olive green crop top, and my combat boots. Once I finished I go downstairs to have breakfast with Brendon and Sarah.

We chilled for a bit and decided to get ready for the day. Since I was already dressed and ready I decided to help around the house, by cleaning up the house. Vacuuming, dishes and etc.

Once I finished doing those task, Brendon ran to the store he literally decided to make a run to the store.

"Hey wheres dad?" Sarah ask

"Umm he just ran to the store, legit ran to the store" I say.

"Oh my. Im gonna bet $10 he's gonna come home with a shopping cart full of stuff and then attempt to ride in the shopping cart down the hill" Sarah says.

"Wait what?" I say confused.

"What he's done it before, that's how he got the inspiration for Don't Threaten Me With a Good Time" Sarah says.

"Oh makes sense, but why the shopping cart?" I ask.

"Too be honest, I don't know its Brendon" she shrugs.

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