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About 30 minutes later, everyone rushed over to the hospital.

I explained to them what had previously happened.

We all surrounded an unconscious Brendon in a hospital bed.

By the time the doctor came back in to check on Brendon, some of the guys had left.

The doctor checked on Brendon and everything seemed fine, his vitals looked perfect, the only problem was that he was still unconscious and at this rate, he might be in a coma for a few days.


Huh? I'm so confused right now.

How did I end up here again? But then now I'm stuck in like a trance and I'm trying my best to get out of it.

I can hear voices and people talking to me. I can also feel them touching me in the arm, but then I feel a shooting pain shoot through my body and every thing goes silent.

As I sit here, trying to wake myself up from this never ending loop, I'm still stuck in a trance. I relive my life over and over again and it ends up in a bright light and then it fades away and the pain is back, but I still can not wake up.

Until finally, at the end of this trance. I feel the pain shoot up even more and it hurts really bad  where in the trance I have to curl my body up to help the pain and then it relieves, but this time I'm greeted to this really bright light.


It has been at least 2 weeks now since we've been at the hospital. So far there has been no improvement.

I sat there by his side every moment and still nothing.

Jessie comes to visit daily. Today she brought us coffee and donuts.

As I munch on the donuts I see Brendon's fingertips moving.

Then his face is scrunched up looking like he is in absolute pain. I scoot closer to his bed side and hold his hand. He has a better grip on my hand and squeezes it.

After a moment it stopped, then his eyes slowly flutter and then they are wide open.

"Oh my- B you're awake. Welcome back, I love you so much" I say hugging him.

He squints his eyes and looks around the place, processing everything that was happening. I run over to the light and dim it down a bit and his eyes adjust to it.

Then I press the button on his bed to kind of put him in a better position. I look at Brendon and it look like he's trying to say something.

I click on the Nurse's button to let them know the situation.

"Don't worry Dad, I'll take care of you. You're at the hospital. There was a accident at home. You collapsed and you hit your head hard on the floor and this time you fractured your spine. They also operated on you" I explain to him and he nods.

Then the nurse comes over to us and takes in the situation and calls the main doctor and the doctor comes into the room.

"Well hello there, Mr. Urie. Welcome back. I'm your doctor. We are gonna take out the tube that is breathing for you and evaluate you to see what the further steps are" the doctor says.

He walks away, telling the head nurse what the plan was and she comes over and takes the tube out of Dad's throat.

"Hello Mr. urie. You'll feel a tingling sensation in your throat for a little bit after I take the tube out, but that's normal. You can drink some water and hopefully it'll help." She says.

After a few minutes, Dad has his tubes removed. He looks very worried.

"Hey dad, there no need to be afraid. I'm here and I'm going no where okay. Do you want some water?" I ask.

He looks at me and he looks like he's about to say something, but as he tries to speak, nothing comes out so he nods.

I press the button on the bed, so that he can sit up a bit more, then brought over a cup of water with a straw in it. I insert it into his mouth and he takes a few sips. I add some more pillows behind his head and back to give him more support.

"Better?" I ask and be nods his head.

A few sips later he finishes all the water I put in the cup.

"Do you want more?" I ask and he shakes his head.

Dad's doctor returns and he does a quick evaluation on dad.

"So it's okay if you can't speak right now, don't worry. Your voice should come back in maybe a day or so. So just relax meanwhile I'm gonna do some testing over here to see if you have paralysis or not okay" the doctor says.

He moves to dad's hand and he does a reflex test on them, and they seem fine. When he goes over to Dad's legs. There was no movement. He asks dad to wiggle his toes, but still no movement and then he asks dad again to wiggle his fingers, dad is able to do it perfectly fine.

"Okay, you might feel some soreness in your arms, but for your legs it seems that you have paralysis from your waist down." The doctor says showing some empathy and walks out of the room.

I look over at dad and he just shakes his head and he looks like he's on the verge of crying.

"Hey dad, it's okay. You can let it out. It's alright, I'm the only one in here. I haven't told anyone yet" I said to him and dad let's all his emotions out.

"Do you want me to tell the guys?" I asks and he nods.

I text into the group chat that dad is awake and that Dad is ready to see them if they want to come in and say hi. Meanwhile I FaceTimed Sarah.

E: Hey mom

S: Hey sweetie, any updates?

E: yea, guess who's awake. But he's kind of upset and groggy at the moment. Also he's upset because he may have paralysis, but at the moment he can't talk, but soon he'll be able to.

S: oh I see, I love you very much B okay. I'm sorry I can't be over there, but I'll see you soon okay, I gotta go now. I love you.  Bye.

With that Sarah hangs up. 10 minutes later, a nurse comes in and brought over some hot soup. I sat on the chair besides Brendon and spoon fed him.

After awhile, he finishes all the soup that was in the bowl and the nurses takes it away.

"Are you tired?" I ask Brendon and he nods.

"Want me to adjust the bed back so you can be in a better position?" I ask again and he nods. I press the button to recline the bed back.

I adjust his pillow and bring his blanket up more so that it is now covering his chest.

He then shuts his eyes and goes to sleep.


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