The noise

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I woke up to my alarm screaming in my ears. Like legit someone screaming.

"What the fuck" I say loudly.

"Turn it off, it's annoying. It's been screaming for the past 5 minutes already" Sarah grumbles.

I looked at my phone very curious.

"Wait why do I have an alarm on, and who the hell changed the ringtone?" I asked myself very curiously.

I looked at the time and it's 7 am.

"Ughh do I have to get up" I mumbled.

Actually, I don't really need to get up, but I can't go back to sleep either.

I decided to go downstairs and make some breakfast since someone decided to put an annoying ass alarm.

Which to my opinion I have no clue who did that.

I got breakfast ready and made some waffles and toast and all that good stuff.

Once I set up the table, I ran up the stairs and went to wake up Sarah.

"Oh sleeping beauty Sarah, it's the best day ever. Our daughter is back home and it happened to be her birthday and I'm happy well except the alarm part, but still and I made a lovely breakfast and didn't try to burn down the house this time" I say, poking Sarah in the face.

"Okay, fine give me a few more minutes and I'll be down," she says.

"Fine, meanwhile I'm gonna go wake up Emmy" I say walking out.

Oooo I have an idea.

I ran to the music room and grabbed two symbols and some drum sticks.

To be honest, I'm gonna get into so much trouble for this, but it's worth it. Also, I don't know what to do with these sticks, oh well I'll figure it out.

I knocked on the door, silence.

I cracked the door opened for a bit and saw Emmy still sleeping in bed. I took the sticks and lightly hit them against the symbols.

Hmm nope, she must love her sleep that much, welp good luck to her, because this is probably not a delightful way to wake up and I'm prepared to run.

I placed both drum sticks on the desk near her head. I put on my headphones. Well here goes torture. I'm sorry Emmy just knows that you need to wake up and I'm sorry.

I guess time to start the prank wars.

I picked up the symbols and started to bang it together really loudly while jumping on the bed. If you are having a hard time imagining me, then pretend I'm those toy monkey that has symbols in their hands and bangs them like crazy. Well, I'm that crazy, Ha I admit it I'm crazy.

Okay, now I sound like a psycho and maybe a maniac. I kinda dozed off while thinking about that, see you guys distracted me.

I felt the symbol pull out of my hand and the headphones ripped out of my ears.


"DAD ARE YOU NUTS?!?!" I shouted.

"Umm technically I'm not nuts, I'm human" Brendon replied.

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