Keep your Hopes Up

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Two months later


I woke up at home. It was peaceful and quiet. Well that's odd. Then I felt 8 pairs of legs on my bed.

I look around and Saw Bogart and Penny looking at me.

"Hey doggos" I say rubbing their heads. They walk over to me licking my face.

"Ooo thanks guys, morning to you too" I say.

"Hey get off of her, she's mine" Jessie says, walking into the room with a tray of food.

"Morning babe" she says.

"Morning to you too, my beauty queen" I say, and she blushes.

"Well you enjoy your breakfast here, while I'll feed the dogs and let them roam around in the backyard for a bit" Jessie says getting up and kissing me on the forehead.

I sit there and watch her leave until finally I looked down and start to eat the food that was there.

After I finished the food that was there and sipped on my warm coffee. I saw that Jessie returned.

"Hey babe, enjoyed it?" She ask.

"Sure did, it was delicious" I say.

"That's awesome, well we can get ready and head over to visit your dad. Sarah said that Pete is coming over to pick up the dogs" she says.

"Cool" I say.

She picks up the tray and take it into the kitchen to clean it up.

Meanwhile, upstairs I'm currently picking out my outfit for the day and straighten up my bed.

Then I went to brush my teeth and wash my face, then decided to take a shower to clean up, so I hopped in. First I shampooed my hair, then left the conditioner soaking into my hair, while I start to scrub my body down with soap.

While I was doing that I heard the shower open then close then, two arms snake behind me and started soaping my back.

I turn around and saw Jessie there so I did the same thing to her. After that she helped me rinse out my hair, while I did hers.

"I love you bubbles" I say.

"I love you more, but why bubbles?" She asks.

"One, you got bubbles on the tip of your nose which is so adorable and you're just bubbly i guess" I say and she comes closer to me and blows a handful of bubbles towards me. I rinse myself off again and Jessie rinsed herself off too and this time she kissed me, I kissed back and next thing you know we had our arms wrapped around each other, having a kissing session in the shower.

I broke away from the kids for a second.

"Umm sorry to end this short, but we should get ready if we wanna see my dad, plus Pete will be here soon" I say. Jessie nods.

Then she bends down, then scoops me up into her arms and carry me bridal style into my bed room.

She then tosses me on the bed.

"Heyyyyy, I'm soaking wet" I whined.

"Not for long" she says. As I get up she hands me another towel, but before I can grab it she takes it back and starts to wrap it around me and starts to move the towel up and down my body to dry me up.

Then I start to get dress, first putting on my panties and bra, then my jeans and then while I was reaching for my shirt somebody over here couldn't resist it and got hungry, so they stood behind me kissing my back up and down, then moved towards my neck then to the front of my chest then went down to my abdomen and then came back up and zipped up my jeans in the process and then came back up to my chest and kissed me even more and then back up to my neck and behind my ears leaving a trail of hickey starting from my chest to my neck.

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