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We were all chilling around in the living room since it was pretty chilly outside. We were all chit chatting. Then Pete came over and sat with me.
" Hey wanna talk, what you've been up to?" Pete asks.

"Also, Emmy I miss you, soooooo much. I hope everything is okay. Just know that I'll be there if anything. Alright" Pete said. Giving me a hug. I returned the hug and talked to him some more.

Then everyone came gathering closer to me asking how I've been. I can tell they've been avoiding the question of what happened and etc. I could feel the awkward tension in the air.

I climbed up the table and stood there.

"Hey guys, I have an announcement. Meet in the living room!!" I shouted. Everyone paid attention to me. I ran upstairs to grab my blanket and came back downstairs and sat down on the couch. Brendon and Sarah came to sit next to me. They were both rubbing my back and arms.

"Alright, so I called you all here to say that I can feel the tension in the air. You guys are avoiding that one question. ' What happened?' And etc. right." I looked around and everyone nodded.

"Alright, basically the so called uncle Ryan drugged me. Then threw me out the window where down below stood his friend. Which took me to a slavery place I guess and sold me to a family where I got abused and all that bad stuff. Time skip. I got tired of getting abused and I ran all the way out here. Where I finally made it to this neighborhood and Brendon found me which so happened to be my birthday so here I am" I say finishing the story.

Everyone just had a sad expression on their faces. They came over to me and hugged the crap out of me. We continued to talk some more and me answering their questions. Once we finished with that it was getting late and we were greeting everyone out the house.

It only left Brendon, Sarah and I and the doggos by ourselves at home.

We cleaned up a bit and I decided to shower and call it a day and hit the hay.

Once I got out of the shower. I changed into some pjs and laid on my bed. I got a new phone and etc. I decided to set it up, while I was waiting to fall asleep. Once I finished, Brendon and Sarah came into the room, kissed and hugged me goodnight. Once they left I turned off the lights and shut the door when I laid down on my bed I heard some scratches on the door.

I opened my door up and saw Penny and Bogart squeezing their way through the door.

They got up onto my bed. I shut the door again and flopped on my bed. Nearly landing on Penny lane. Both dogs climbed on top of me and licked the crap out of me.

Then I squeezed them in return and went to sleep with them in my arms.

In the middle of the night I woke up gasping for air. Practically jerking myself awake from the terrible nightmare I had. The dogs were besides me, but was still sleeping. I looked at my phone checking the time and it was 3am.

I decided to go into the bathroom and wipe the beads of sweat off of my face. After patting my face dry I walk downstairs and grabbed a glass of water to hopefully ease my body back into reality. I stood at the island drinking out of my glass when I heard some footsteps approaching me.

"What are you doing up?" Brendon asks

"Cant sleep" I mumble.

"What's the matter?" Brendon asked, grabbing a glass of water for himself.

"Nightmares" I said.

"Come here" Brendon says. Taking my hand in his palm and pulling me into the studio with him.

We both sat inside the studio.

"Here put these on" he said handing me a set of headphones. Then he hit play.

First it was silence, after that moment of silence a tune started playing and then a voice that I found soothing and it was Brendon's. Once the song ended I was in tears. I took off the headphones and hugged Brendon.

"Thank You" I whispered into his ears.
"No problem. When I couldn't sleep when you were gone I would either go into your room and lay in your bed or come in here and record/write something and this is what I truly felt when you were gone. I felt as if my heart shattered and it was irreplaceable with you gone" he mumbles.

"I'm sorry I made you feel that way." I said.

"Hey don't blame yourself. It's my fault I was the one who brought him here." He says. "I know but still. I was involved" I say yawning.

"Let's just put this convo to rest because it's serving us no good." He says. He picks me up and carry me back into my bed upstairs.

"I love you okay. Sweetheart. I'll see you in the morning just have a good night sleep alright. I love you very much don't forget that" Brendon says kissing my forehead one last time.

"I love you too Dad" I mumble dozing off into the depth of sleep.

OOF sorry this is a short ass chapter. Took forever for me to write this chapter but hey I got this. Also thanks for the 1k reads on the first sequel of the story as of 9/2/19. If you haven't checked it out yet go ahead and read that story "best day of my life". But yea anyways further ado, I'll see you guys soon adios my vros.

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