CHAPTER 17 - Fainted.

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Sarth was getting ready for his shoot. He had a plan but he was skeptical about it. But he had no other option.

Sarth :- "I hope it works."

He grabbed his bag which had SK's clothes and mask. He headed towards the lift. Jhanavi was going to meet him at the reception. He prayed to bappa to make everything go smoothly.

When he reached down. He saw jhanavi sitting at the coach near the reception desk. Today she was wearing a long skirt and top. She was looking pretty. He smiled to himself And approached her.

Sarth :- "Miss jhanavi shall we leave?"

Jhanavi :- "Yes! I can't wait to meet SK!"

Sarth's thoughts :- "She is always so excited to meet SK."

He felt little upset.

- "Either way she is excited to meet you."

Sarth's inner voice said.

Sarth's thoughts :- "No that's different She loves SK Not sarth kulkarni. "

He frowned. When will he get the chance to tell the world that he is SK. He wasn't that fond of living a dual life.
But he had to until the right time comes.

Jhanavi :- "Sir?"

Sarth was snapped back from his thoughts. He looked at jhanavi who was giving him a confused look.

Sarth :-"Yes Miss jhanavi."

They headed towards their car. Jhanavi sat in the back seat and sarth sat in the passenger. He looked at jhanavi through the front mirror she was lost in her own thoughts. Sarth felt more closer to her. Something was changing for him for sure.

But the thought that if she will ever like the real sarth worried him. That's why he decided to keep his new growing emotions under control. He took the glasses from his bag and wore them. Avoiding any eye contact with her.

They reached the studio. Sarth took a deep breath and got out. He grabbed his back and headed inside. He would
Have Waited for her but he had to control his feelings. Jhanavi too got out she was all confused with his behavior.

Jhanavi :- "What's wrong with him?! SADU!"

The director greeted him and explained to him that everything was ready now only they were waiting for SK.

Sarth :-" Good. SK will be arriving soon."

Director :-" Yeah i have heard that he is never late. We still have half hour for his call time."

Sarth :- "Yeah."

He checked the time. He had to act fast. SK can only arrive when sarth will leave. He looked at jhanavi who had a bright smile on her face when she heard that he will be arriving in half hour.

When she looked back at him he quickly looked away. He then suddenly acted like he was feeling dizzy. He tried to grab on to something but then someone held his hand and it was jhanavi. She had worried look on her

Jhanavi :- "Sarth! "

She called him sarth it was the first time she was calling him sarth he felt really happy. His heart fluttered when she called him Sarth. But he didn't had time to celebrate he then closed his eyes and acted like he fainted.

The crew members took him to a room. And laid him down on the bed. Jhanavi sat near him.

Jhanavi :- "Sarth please wake up."

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