CHAPTER 2 - Crash

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Sarth arrived home he was really tired because of the hectic day

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Sarth arrived home he was really tired because of the hectic day. His mom Asha kulkarni greeted him with a warm smile.

Mrs Kulkarni :- "God you look so tired son go get freshen up I'll heat up the food."

Sarth :- "Thanks Maa."

- "Oh someone is getting pampered so much!"

Sarth's aunt Ketki kulkarni spoke up.

Mrs Kulkarni :- "Yes because My son actually does some work!"

Asha smirked at Ketki who Glared at her and left.

Sarth :- "Maa.."

Mrs kulkarni :-"Her Own son doesn't work and she is speaking ill about you!"

Sarth sighed. Yes that was true sarth's cousin Rakesh didn't work he wanted to be a painter but due to family's objection he had to join the families bussiness but it wasn't his call and that's why rakesh never really paid attention to the bussiness.

Sarth went to his room he grabbed his clothes and went to get freshen up.
He splashed some water on his face. He looked at his reflection in the mirror and remembered one moment..


Mr kulkarni :- "I'M ASHAMED OF YOU !

Sarth had tears in his eyes. His father's word felt  like a scorpion's poisons sting to him.

Sarth :- "But dad..."

Mr kulkarni :- "GET OUT OF HERE!!!"

Sarth looked at his mother who was crying he looked down and walked out of the house.


Sarth splashed some more water on his face. then someone  knocked on his bathroom door.

Mrs kulkarni :- "Sarth beta Dinner is ready!"

Sarth :- "Ok maa."

Sarth quickly changed into his casual  clothes and went downstairs.
Everyone was at the dinner table  everyone was quietly eating their food but then the silence was broken by Sarth's father.

Mr kulkarni :- "Why Your weren't at the meeting Rakesh?"

Rakesh scoffed.

Rakesh :- "Like anyone Cares!  uncle
I'm sorry but I have no interest in your meetings so please keep me away from all this!"

- "Rakesh!"

Rakesh's father Manish kulkarni yelled at his son.

Rakesh :- "Dad Sarth bhai will be a legend but I'm not I can't pretend like him that I love the bussiness for my damn family who doesn't care!!"

He strommed off to his room. Mr kulkarni and Manish too strommed off to their rooms and their wifes went after them. Sarth sighed he quietly finished his food and cleaned the table.
He was used to all  this. But rakesh was right today atleast he could say what he felt sarth thought.

He wanted some fresh air he grabbed his car keys and went out. He  was just driving around the streets of mumbai.
Jhanavi :- "Damn we are freaking late yaar ! If you didn't had the amazing idea to eat outside  we would have went home early!"

Ria :-  "Wow if you didn't had the amazing idea to go to your favorite SK's concert we wouldn't have been late in the first place!!"

Jhanavi :- "Don't say anything about My SK!!"

Suddenly They crashed into someone. The driver got out. And you  guess right it was  sarth.

Sarth :- "Oh my god are you guys ok?"

He was surprised to see the same girl from the concert he felt really happy after seeing her but his happiness was short lived because Jhanavi glared at him. She got off her scooty.

Jhanavi :- "Can't you drive properly?!! You almost hit us!!"

Sarth :- "Hey  you weren't paying attention to The road I was driving safely!!!"

Jhanavi :- "It's not our fault!!!! "

Ria took jhanavi to a corner and whispered in her ears.

Ria :- "it's our fault Jhanavi  !! Don't fight with him! "

Jhanavi :- "Now I can't back out!" Izzat ka sawal hai !"

Sarth :- "Hey you two what are you whispering to each other?! "

Jhanavi :- "You should pay us for our damage!"

Sarth looked at their scooty which had Minor scratches and then he looked at his car which had little more damage.

Sarth :- "You should be the one paying me!"

Jhanavi :- "Pay you my foot!!!"

Sarth was now really  angry  he was already pissed  and he wasn't in the mood to argue any further he sighed and took out his pocket and handed 1000 to Jhanavi.

Sarth :- "Happy?!"

Jhanavi :- "Very! I don't want to see your face ever again!!"

Sarth :- "The feeling is mutual!!!"

They glared at each other. Sarth got in his car and drove off.  jhanavi stomped her feet on the road in anger.

Ria :- "why do I get the feeling that they will meet again?!"

NOTE - English is not my native language so please forgive me if I did any mistakes.

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