CHAPTER 29 - Status

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Janhavi was about to go  in her cabin but then Someone yelled her name.

Yashita :- "Jhanavi!!"

She turned to see yashita running up to her. She hugged jhanavi tight Jhanavi looked at sarth who was laughing
Yashita broke the hug and smiled at her brightly.

Yashita :- "So I'm yashita!"

Jhanavi :- "Nice to meet you Yashita!"

Yashita :- "Damn you are really beautiful and sweet i heard alot about you!"

Jhanavi looked at sarth and raised her eye brows. Sarth just smiled at her and winked.

Yashita :- "I have lot to talk to you!! But not now I have to go meet my friends.

Jhanavi :- "Yeah Sure."

The two girls smiled at each other.

Yashita :- "Bye."

With that yashita left.

Jhanavi :- "She is so sweet!"

Sarth :- "Yeah I know."

Jhanavi :- "Unlike you."

Sarth :- "Oh really?!"

Jhanavi chuckled but then she remembered about Sarth's Story.

Jhanavi :- "You need to tell me rest of the story!!"

Sarth :- "Not now jhanavi we have meetings."

Jhanavi :- "Ugh!! But in lunch you have to tell me everything ok!!"

Sarth :- "Yes Captain now let's go."

Jhanavi Grabbed the files they needed for the meeting and they headed to the meeting hall. After four Continue meetings finally they got Time to have lunch at 3:30.

And now Currently they were sitting In sarth's cabin Having their lunch.

Jhanavi :- "Now tell me what happened next?!"

Sarth :- "Ok ok..So After they gave me offer i went home happliy i just wanted to tell my parents..."


Sarth rushed to his father's room. He saw his mom and dad talking.

Sarth :- "Maa Dad! I have something to tell you!"

Mr kulkarni :- "Have you forgotten your manners?"

Sarth looked down and knocked on the door.

Mr kulkarni :- "Good Come in."

Mrs kulkarni sighed she wanted to say something but couldn't. She always stayed quite.

Mr kulkarni :- "Now tell us What happened?"

Sarth explained the whole situation to his Father but he didn't got the reaction he was expecting. His father's face turned from calm to annoyed in a second.

Mr kulkarni :- "You are not taking this offer!"

Sarth frowned.

Sarth :- "But dad I want to do it. I promise it will not affect my studies."

Mr kulkarni :- "No Sarth it will ruin our status! I don't want my son to sing for a so called band!! You  are not doing it!!
Do you understand?!!"

Sarth looked down. He was really upset he wanted to do it music was his passion. Sarth nodded.

Mr kulkarni :- "Good."

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