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My father was never the kindest man being an admiral and a war hero to our nation never lead to kind qualities. But his time serving our Nation lead to winning favor with the Firelord early on in his career. Today had been different than any before it that I could remember, he was kinder to me and hadn't hit me once. I felt nervous by the change in demeanor instead of joyful.

"Sit quietly Honna! I don't want you ruining this for me." Dad hushed me as we rode in our carriage to the palace. I didn't dare speak back and straighten my posture sitting as quiet as possible. When we arrived I was quiet, agile, trying my best to look like a lady. I lifted my eyes to see the marvel which was the Firelord's palace. Although it was a beautiful place to behold something set my nerves ablaze. I wished my mom had come along with us and not been at home taking care of Zulma my baby sister.

I followed my father who had now completely changed his attitude. His hand lay relaxed on my shoulder as we entered the palace and had a gentle smile plastered on his face. A set of guards lead us to a room where Firelord Ozai sat with his son to his left, his daughter besides his son, and the Fire Queen on his right. I felt the eyes scanning me as soon as I entered the room, and I could tell something was going on that I had no knowledge of. I stood with my posture straight and eyes on my shoes like I was taught.

"Admiral, welcome!" Firelord Ozai exclaimed in greeting to my father gesturing for us to take our seat on the fine satin pillows that had been laid out for us. We did as we were subtly asked to do and my father greeted back "thank you for having us Firelord Ozai." "As much as I would like to say this gathering was to discuss and express my gratitude for your service to our great nation. I must admit you and your wife's lineage is the reason I've asked you here today. For thousands of years powerful soldiers have been coming out of your family, and your daughters are sure to breed powerful benders as well. I assume Honna is a bender?" The Firelord says eyes shifting to me.

"Yes, Honna show Firelord Ozai your bending." My father demanded of me. I stood and bowed to the Firelord and his family as I began going through the motions of the Firefox formation that my father had drilled into me before we left home. I could see a smirk come from the corner of the Firelord's mouth causing slight sweat to start.  "Excellent!" The Firelord exclaimed after my formation was completed. "Prince Zuko, I believe you have a request?" The Firelord says to his son turning to him only slightly.

The young prince swallowed hard and stood and approached my father and I " Admiral Kai, may I have Honna's hand in marriage to be my betrothed, and the keeper to my fire the future Fire Queen?" Prince Zuko asked causing me to remove my gaze from the floor. This is not how this moment should go I should be much older and be in love or at least know the boy who asks for my hand. " Prince Zuko, you may have my daughter's hand may her flame never dim." My father said my eyes clouded with fear.

Then he turned to me "I will honor and tend to your flame, whenever it shall flicker and dim I will lift you up if you will light my way?" The prince asked me I knew what I wanted to say I wanted to scream never and run out of the room like the child I am. I knew what I wanted to do but I did neither and swallowed my little bit of freedom. " I will light your way, I will from this day forward have my honor be your honor tend to you and burn when you burn." I told him sealing my fate and I looked into the amber eyes of my betrothed.

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