Visions in the Flame

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Nala began to panic once all the scents were unleashed on us, and her tongue began to spaz out. It took Zuko, June, and me out in order, giving the Avatar the perfect opportunity to get away. I lay next to Zuko frustrated, "so much for having the advantage," I tell him as the bison soars from view. Zuko grumbles "Uncle I didn't see you get hit with the tongue," Zuko says to Iroh who lies with June on top of him. Iroh winks and I groan. "Iroh, we don't have time for this! Get us on our feet with one of those perfumes! We don't have time to waste," I tell him and he sighs.

Once the toxins had worn off I was eager to get back to the ship, but without a scent to drive Nala the ride back was at a much slower pace. We end up stopping for the night in the town of the fortune teller. I wasn't tired, my limbs were still a bit sluggish, but my mind was fully awake. What the fortune teller head told me stuck in my mind, I wandered the town until I came upon where I last encountered her. 

'Aunt Wu' read a sign out on the door and I didn't hesitate to push it open. It was dimly lit inside and at first, glance looked empty, "I've been expecting you Princess Honna," Aunt Wu said coming out of the shadows and I gave a puzzled look. "The fortune you gave me, what does it mean?" I ask her and she gestures with her hand down a corridor before starting down. I follow warily, but when she opens a small sliding door the room is normal. Two brightly colored pillows sit on the floor, and a single candle burns between them.

"Please, have a seat," Aunt Wu asks me and I do, I can't leave without some kind of answer. "Look into the candle Honna, what do you see?" she asks me and I furrow my brows as I stare into the flame. "I see a flame," I told her and I see out of the corner of my eye she shakes her head. "Past that," she instructs and I stared harder into the flame, and then see glimpses of green crystals around me. Then I see amber eyes and feel a burning sensation on my neck, then I feel Aunt Wu's hand pulling me out of the vision. 

"What was that?" I ask grasping my throat desperately trying to erase the memory. She gives me a sympathetic look "You will choose the right path against everything you believe in, but you will suffer because of it. You will find peace and help save the world," she tells me placing her hand on top of mine. I furrow my brow "Who burns me? Who's eyes were those? Were they Zuko's?" I plead and Aunt Wu shakes her head. "There are many things that the future seeks to keep hidden the owner of those eyes being one," she explains.

I stand from my pillow and shake my head, "how will suffering bring me peace!?" I ask angrily the candle picks up and I am suddenly swept up in its visions again. I'm in an Airbender temple and I'm trying to practice bending, but something is stopping me. Wet tears start down my face and I'm pulled out of the vision again "Enough!" I shout turning away from the wicked candle and Aunt Wu. "I refuse to accept this future, I will be the next Fire Queen, and I will provide for my family!" I tell myself more than anyone.

I exit the house quickly fear coursing through my bones. Before entering the Inn we've decided to stay at I bend a flame and I let out a sigh of relief at the flame that comes alive. "Long night?" I hear Zuko's voice asks and I extinguish the flame. "I just went to visit the fortune teller," I reveal and I see Zuko furrow his brow "Honna, it's all nonsense why would you waste your time?" he asks and I swallow hard and meet his gaze. 

"But it's not, I saw the visions like they were happening to me right now. I felt the pain, and saw their eyes," I tell Zuko as I began to lose my grip on reality, Zuko grabbed my shoulders forcing me to look at him. "No one will ever hurt you, I swear it. Your future is beside me in the Fire Nation," Zuko assures me and I stare at him hard before hugging him. He chases away my demons as I relinquish my fears to him.

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