Agni Kai

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We entered the arena and Zhao and Zuko both got into position, I could see my family and Zulma's betrothed standing behind Zhao at the other side of the arena, my father now has wrapping on his burned wrist. "Remember your fire-bending basics, Prince Zuko, they are your greatest weapons," Iroh tells Zuko his last piece of advice before the battle. "I refuse to let him win!" Zuko says as he stands in position letting the shaw that was placed on him fall to the ground. Zhao followed suit "This will be over quickly," he stated arrogantly, and then the gong was struck signaling for the Agni Kai to commence.

Zuko strikes first and foolishly letting his anger at Zhao cloud his thoughts. The battle was intense, and it didn't look good Zuko was breathing heavily and as many attacks as he had thrown Zhao had deflected every one of them. Worry clouded my thoughts as Iroh shouted to Zuko "Basics Zuko! Break his root!" I watched as Zhao began sending out powerful attacks towards Zuko. Although Zuko fought hard to keep his stance while defending the flames being cast out around him, Zhao sent him flying backward landing hard on the ground.

Zhao leaped on top of Zuko, ready to land the winning blow. As the flames came down on Zuko he copied my move from the ship. Alternating to his hands and spinning his legs out to diminish the flames and knock Zhao off balance. Now putting Zuko in the place of victory instead of Zhao. Zuko was now thinking in the right frame of mind listening to Iroh's advice and sending out a blast of fire towards Zhao's feet causing him to stumble backward before crashing to the ground. When Zuko loomed over Zhao, we all knew it was time to deliver the winning blow. It was tradition to leave the loser with a scar to symbolize their shame and loss, but Zuko hesitated. "Do it!" Zhao shouted at Zuko accepting his defeat, but when Zuko strikes it only hit the pavement next to Zhao's head. 

"That's it?" Zhao asks angered by Zuko's mercy, "your father raised a coward," Zhao said to Zuko with disgust trialing off his words. "Next time you get in my way, I promise, I won't hold back," Zuko tells Zhao as he begins to walk away from the scene. When Zhao stands he cowardly attempts to strike Zuko while his back is turned although Zuko had already claimed victory. Before the flames came close to Zuko, Iroh had leaped into action grabbing Zhao's foot and sending him flying backward with a thud.

Zuko angry attempted to charge Zhao but I grabbed his arm pulling him back. "No Prince Zuko, do not taint your victory. So this is how the great commander Zhao acts in the face of defeat? Disgraceful. Even in exile, my nephew is more honorable than you. Thanks again for the tea, it was delicious," Iroh states before turning to leave Zuko and me following beside him. As we walked away I couldn't help but look back at my mother and sister, I gave as much of a goodbye as I could have with my eyes before walking away. 

"Did you really mean that Uncle?" Zuko asked, "Of course!" Iroh exclaimed "I told you Jing Sang Tea is my favorite" he continued causing me to laugh slightly at the comment causing zuko to scowl at me annoyed at his unanswered question.

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