The Avatar

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I lifted my head up, and the guards rushed to assist me up. I felt conflicted about being knocked over, I obviously didn't like it but the village sparked with hope, and seeing the light return to their eyes sparked something in me. I then begin to notice something about the boy who knocked us over, and I had to fight back my shock. Was that him? He had the Air Bender Master tattoos and who else would tattoo a child. So many questions began to swirl in my mind, but one thing was clear there's my ticket to reclaim my honor and my destiny. 

Zuko and I traded glances before he silently ordered the guards into formation with a simple gesture. I took my own stance unable to stay neutral any longer, but the young monk took his own stance preparing to defend himself. He Air bent the snow in each direction of defense and that confirmed, this is the Avatar. "Looking for me?" he asks seeming unafraid, but I could see through most any display like that.

As stream rose from an angry Zuko "You're the Airbender? You're the Avatar?" he asked in disbelief as much as I was. None of it made sense how he'd survived, it was impossible. "I've spent years preparing for this encounter, training, meditating. You're just a child!" Zuko shouts at the Avatar who looks at him confused "well you're just a teenager," he states not understanding Zuko's rage. Zuko wasted no time talking anymore and took two strikes at the Avatar, but he had no idea how to fight an Airbender. No one did, since they've been dead for 100 years. 

When Zuko fired a third shot at the Avatar it came close in range to the villagers alerting screams of children. I could see the pain I felt from the cries reflected in the Avatar's eyes, he wouldn't stand for this. "If I go with you, do you promise to leave everyone alone?" the Avatar asks taking a stance with his glider, and I couldn't help but for a moment feel guilty. This is the Avatar, and we're taking him when his duty is to protect everyone. I never wanted anyone to be hurt.

Zuko nodded his head to the Avatar and gestured for me to grab him. I obeyed, this was the only way I told myself. This is the only way for my life to return to how it should be, I have to become Queen and regain mine and my family's honor. The girl from earlier called out to the Avatar "No, Aang don't do this!" she pleaded, I made a mental note of the Avatar's name upon hearing it. "Don't worry, it'll be okay," Aang told the girl as I lead him on the ship. The Avatar's eyes stuck on me for a second, I hadn't noticed but I had let my face betray me leaving a hint of a sad frown.

I quickly corrected it knowing that I can't let on that this affects me. "Head a course for the Fire Nation, we're going home!" Zuko called out to the captain inside of the ship. I tried hard to ignore the pain I felt from this action. I am doing what's best for my nation, but what about the world?

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