Something Useful

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Zuko stares at me for a long moment as silence drapes over us. He is about to speak when a guard bursts through the door "Prince Zuko Princess Honna there's been a sighting of the Avatar's bison," he announces. Zuko's attention is immediately drawn away from me, and his full focus is on Aang. "Where?" Zuko asks frantically rising to his feet "A days journey away in a nearby conquered Earth kingdom village," he answers "set a course immediately," I order. " as you wish Princess," The guard responds then turning to leave Zuko and I alone once again, but Zuko's attention is far from me. 

"He won't escape me again," Zuko states seething with anger Zuko then leaves the small infirmary. A lot can happen in a days journey, we need to get the ship moving faster. I stand and head towards the engine room at a steady pace, "Captain, I want the engine crew working over time! I want to be at the Avatar's last sighting by nightfall," I command as I enter. "Of course Princess Honna, but the men are tired we have been sailing for quite some time now," he informs me.

I nod at his words and think of some way to get us there quicker. "Stop at the next port, and send all engine personnel out for an hour. I want them to relax, but I expect them to be ready to get me where I need to be when they return," I tell the captain before leaving. I stand at the front of the ship watching the port come into view. "Why did you order our stop!" I hear Zuko roar behind me "our men are exhausted from sailing non-stop. If we give them an hour to themselves they'll be better rested to get us to the Avatar," I explain.

Zuko scoffs "I don't care about their exhaustion I care about capturing the Avatar!" Zuko seethes turning me to look at him I look up into his amber eyes "well then you should care about their exhaustion. If they pass out from exhaustion, we aren't going anywhere. Then we have to wait even longer to capture the Avatar, and I'm tired of waiting," I tell him turning back around to look at the port coming in. Zuko and I stand together watching as the engine personnel load off the ship, some going towards inn's to get some rest away from the constant motion of the ship. 

Some go towards food vendors, but they all seem to walk with a more carefree movement. "Zuko, join me would you?" I ask as I begin walking off the ship "where are we going?" Zuko asks still sounding frustrated with this whole plan. "To find anything useful," I answer as we link arms traveling into the small town. I stop at merchants of all kinds attempting to find, information, traps, or even new information about the air nomads. "Zuko, I think I found something useful. This says that an animal called a shirshu can locate anyone anywhere in the world," I explain pointing to a specific page in a book about tracking animals.

"Honna, where are we going to find a shirshu? I haven't even heard of one! This was a waste of time," Zuko announces turning to leave the merchants shop. I fight the urge to glare at him, I then thank the merchant for his time and exit the shop as well. Zuko is leaning against the building like a sulking child when I exit. "Good you're done, let's head back to the ship," he grumbles turning his body toward where the ship is anchored. 

I don't follow and once he realises he follows me in the other direction. "Where are you going?" Zuko asks irritated and I smirk slightly "to find more useful information," I explain and he grumbles behind me as we track further into the town. 

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