No Such Thing As Peace

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The ceremony and celebration seemed to go on in a blur, Zuko and I stood next to each other and talked briefly, but were whisked to others every few seconds. By the time we returned to the ship, we'd barely spoken to each other. "I'll leave you two, it's a lovely night for a walk," Iroh told the two of us as he left us, and then the nerves truly set in. I knew the customs, but something truly made me nervous about this moment. I couldn't even look up into Zuko's eyes as we walked.

I swallowed hard "Honna," Zuko said calmly and I hummed in response not trusting my words at a time like this. "I don't want you to feel forced into anything else tonight. No one will know if anything happens here tonight, so if you're not ready that's okay," Zuko tells me and I finally look into his eyes "Thank you Zuko," I tell him and he smiles down at me brushing a piece of my hair back behind my ear. I looked at Zuko and felt a sudden urge wash over me as I pulled him down into a kiss.

He kissed back immediately and pushed open the door behind us...

~Next Day~ 

I wake up beside Zuko and at first, panic worried that we'll be caught, but then memories of last night dance through my head. I almost laugh at the thought, it actually happened, I married the Prince of the Fire Nation. It's been my destiny for as long as I could remember, but now it's real. Zuko begins to stir and I stare at him as he wakes his hair actually down from his ponytail for once. "Morning," I tell him and he seems to smile at me "Morning," he responds, I blush nervously, "I guess we need to get up and get moving if we're going to beat Zhao," I say and then Zuko returns to his usual self.

"How? Who's going to run the engine room?" Zuko says pessimistically "Zhao has too much power now. There's no way we'll capture the Avatar now," Zuko mumbles and I scoff "So what? We give up?" I ask frustrated and Zuko narrows his eyes at me angered by my attitude. "What do you want me to do Honna?" He asks bitterly "I want you to try," I respond and he stands from the bed in a fury. 

"You don't understand Honna," he tells me and I scoff "Of course not Zuzu," I say intentionally stepping on a nerve "Don't call me that!" he shouts and I grab his robe off the wall and wrap it around me before storming to my own room to dress. Zuko spends the day sulking I make it a point to avoid my new husband. "Honna, can I interest you in a walk?" Iroh asks me as the sun begins to go down slightly. I nod "Thank you Iroh," I tell him and we link arms as we head off of the ship.

"Honna, I know Zuko is a complicated young man," Iroh starts and I can't help but laugh lightly at the statement "Iroh I believe that was the most understated thing you've ever said," I tell him and Iroh chuckles slightly to himself as well. "You must remember you and Zuko are both complicated. Forced down a road neither of you truly wanted or understood, but remember peace can be found if you decide it," Iroh tells me and I sigh at the man's words of wisdom. How can we find peace without the Avatar? We're not where we're meant to be.

I'm pulled out of my thoughts as an explosion sounds behind us "Zuko!" we both cry out in unison as we race back toward the ship. As we approach tears begin to spring from my eyes at the sight of the smoldering ship. I fall to my knees at the mere sight "Zuko...." I mumble feeling true defeat at the sight. "I'm going to search the embankment," Iroh tells me determined but all I can do is sink and sob at the loss of a boy that I love no matter how complicated it was.

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