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Laila's POV

I gazed into hers eyes as I tugged my bottom lip with my teeth. One of my hand rested at the side of her head on the couch then used the other to trace circles on her neck just on her pulse.

My eyes would leave hers then and now as rubbed circles on her neck. "What do we have here?" She whispered in my ear as one of her hand ran in my hair softly.

Her touch was soft yet gentle making me smirk a bit at her action then leaned in to whisper in her ear arching my back in the process making my butt stand out more." I don't know maybe you got to just find out.

"Why should I and who says I wanted to find out?" I didn't lean back because her hand had tugged my hair bringing my face closer to hers. I licked my suddenly dry lips as my eyes averted to the pump lips that I wanted to text so bad as I thought for a comeback.

" Nobody but I can feel it and I know you will make me feel what I want." I leaned my forehead on hers as one of my other hand trailed down her arm until I grasped her hand then brought it to one of my boob massaging it using both our hands .

My eyes flattered shut a bit due to the waves of pleasure which shot through my body due to hand that was working magically on my boob by its own as I stared deeply in her eyes. "Right ma'am?" I smirked a bit as I tried to get my breathing I'm check but I knew she saw the effect she had on me .

"You are such a fucking needy slut. Aren't you Laila?" I almost moaned at her slut shaming but I composed myself. "Yes ma'am, only yours." I whispered and the next thing I know her lips were on mine in a rough dominant kiss.

Her lips pushed against mine as she sucked my bottom lip until I let out a moan of both pleasure and pain but it didn't last long because someone cleared

"Get a fucking a fucking room." Someone cleared their throat and we both pulled away licking my lips in the process as my face flushed deep red.

I couldn't help but hide my face in the crook of her neck as she chuckled at my shyness running her hand up and down my hair kissing the side of my head every now and then.

"What if we want to take it right here and now , would you have a problem with it beside I wouldn't mind if her moans are heard throughout the entire lounge, it will just show them who she belongs to so they can just fuck off easily. " I shut my eyes as my face grew hot from the blushing mess she had made me from her words.

I couldn't help but imagine her fucking me right now telling me to make no sound if I don't want her to stop there and then and I could feel my core clenching and relaxing at the thought. She squeezed my butt bringing me back to reality making me muff a moan hiding the reaction beautiful.

"Are you okay?" She said into my hair and I nodded not bothering to look back at her. It was just a simple question yet it made my heart tug a little because it's not so much I get to be asked if I am okay.

"Yes thanks." I whispered before she hummed in reply. "Do you want to continue what we started or you want to go home." She asked making me look back in her eyes again.

"Only if you want of course ma'am." I tugged my bottom lip as I stared at my hands as I felt disappointed at the thought of going back home without getting a release.

She raised my head to look at her by the finger tip making me stare in her hardened gaze that was filled with fields of lust. "Only if I want what Laila?" Her voice was hard and stern yet demanding for answers making me try to close my thighs but it was in vain due to her body feeling my core drench in my juices at her dominance.

"Only if you want to run away like a scared pup who of course doesn't know what to do when I woman is wet for them."

I leaned in , sucked and bit her neck softly while grinding my hips on hers making my panties brush my against my clit earning soft moans from me.

" Amor, I'm going to make sure you regret saying that." The next thing I knew was her stood up with me on her full height as I wrapped my legs tightly around her torso as she carried me like I weighed nothing at all.

All eyes were on us making me hide my face in the crook of her neck still sucking, biting and licking her spot making her groan as I smelled her intoxicating cologne making my knees tingle in submission because women wearing men's cologne was my weakness.

I grinded my pelvic against her torso making my panties brush against my clit. "Don't do that baby."
We reached stairs that were guarded by two big bodyguards who didn't waste time before letting us in.She climbed up the stairs entering the dark alley taking turns every now and then as the music that was loud started to fade into thin silence.

"I can't take it anymore ma'am, I want your fingers in me fucking me so hard." I whispered and the next thing I was slammed against the wall with her body pinning me safely against it. I moaned at the harshness and the next thing I knew was her thumb rubbing circles at my clit making my hips jerk upwards as my eyes rolled at the back of my head.

I moaned softly as I buried my head more in her neck breathing heavily feeling the tingling grow between my walls as the coated my slit with my milky juices.

She picked up her rhythm on my clit rubbing circles then pressing down more to it making my hips move according to the rhythm but she stopped my movements by pressing me down more making me whine. "Look at me baby. Tell me if this is what you wanted."

I opened my eyes and met her lust filled gaze and just like that her finger slipped in my walls making my jaw drop as my eyes rolled at the back of my head. My wetness dripped down the length of her finger before she slipped in another making my walls squeeze against them trying to adjust as my hip jerked upwards then down trying to get more friction.

"Tell me if this is what you wanted baby or else I won't let my fingers slide in your walls which I know you wouldn't want. She moved her fingers in me slowly to my liking as she licked up and down my ear lobe.

"Yes ma'am, it so good please don't stop." She hummed whispered 'good baby' then increased her pace as her fingers slides easily in my entrance my walls clenching then and now around her fingers with me moaning every time a wave ran throughout me.

My back arched off the wall making my eyes roll at the back of my head giving access to g-spot easily. Her fingers assaulted my entrance until my body went still feeling my organsm nearing...

"Ma'am, I'm going to cum." I whispered as I trembled from my organsm which was nearing so bad. I tried closing my thighs but it only made her fingers easily brush against my walls.

"Ma'am please, I have to cum." I whimpered as I delayed my organsm with pretending not to listen to my pleads until I couldn't anymore making me take in a sharp breath as the organsm tore through my body.

"Cum para mí mi hermosa puta."

Tell me what you think about this chapter and what missed in the smut. It's going to be helpful....

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