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Laila's POV

"May I love?"


Goosebumps rose on my skin as she played lightly with my nipple between her two fingers. My mind was all focused on the wild sensations I was receiving. My mouth was part a bit letting in small bits of air feeling my skin abruptly sweaty.

My mind screamed for me to step back but my mind couldn't ignore the her hand smoothly caressed my skin in a patter moving up and down my lower abdomen near to the hem of my shorts . Her hand lingered there as she kissed sofly below my jaw breathing unsteadily against my skin.

"You don't know how bad i want to use your little cunt for my own selfish desires Laila." Skylar whisphered in my ear.

Sparks settled in the pit of my stomach as i tucked my bottom lip between my teeth trying to stop my beggings to be voiced out.

It's wrong but .....

I really want to feel her.

I want to feel her in me.

For a brief second it honestly felt right.

It felt like she was the lost piece of my heart i was looking for......

All her touches felt magical and electrifying.

All her kisses were light and soft brushing against my skin making my hairs stand.

It felt so right.

Almost to the extent of loving every single one of them but then I remembered this meant nothing to her and I shouldn't feel this way.

Nothing here between us is real

Small bits of pain I have grown addictive of erupted in my nipple every time her index and middle finger closed the gap in-between them.

'You have to stop this.' A voice in the back of my head whispered...

I muffled the soft moan hiding my face in her chest. "S-skylar!" I moaned out her name feeling the warm pool between my legs starting to trail down one of my inner thighs.

this needs to stop now...

I won't be able to hold it anymore though it's what I want.

I want to have her sleep with me so she can get what she wants giving me access to leave immediately but I have a feeling it's not going to happen as I want it to be.

Skylar wants something more than I think she wants from me which I can't give.

I can't give her my heart.

I know she will break it without thinking two fucks.

I can't risk that

This has to stop...now.

My left hand rushed to Skylar's which  had it's fingers on my left breast making her stop her movements. I gulped down thickly moisturizing  my dry mouth with my saliva.

"Stopp.. please" I whispered my voice hoarse and dry as it cut through the tense silence. I could feel the pain caused from the straining of my muscles around my throat.   I raised my head away off her chest staring directly to her gaze that was lifted away from the crook of my neck immediately I voiced out.

      𝐁𝐄𝐓𝐖𝐄𝐄𝐍 𝐇𝐄𝐑 𝐓𝐇𝐈𝐆𝐇𝐒 [18+]Where stories live. Discover now