bad girl

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Laila's POV

"Come here amore mio."

I shiver erupted throughout my body immediately her stern hard voice boomed throughout the room into my ears. I bit my lip hard clenching my thighs together feeling the tingles starting to grow in the pit of the stomach from how her voice laced with dominance but I never took a step forward.

I pretended as if I heard nothing.

"Don't make me repeat myself Laila." Skylar whispered again when she saw no sign of me moving minutes later.

"Why should I?" I whispered gazing up into her stern hard eyes.

I don't know where I got the courage from but I liked it.

"I'm really hungry and thirsty darling." Skylar whispered huskily making me wonder what she truly means.

Is she hungry for food or.....What you even thinking about?

I tugged my bottom lip between my teeth as I inwardly tugged roughly my hair from my scalp realizing how embarrassing and stupid I was a while ago.

I nodded making her smirk widen more before she looked me up and down lustfully. "What do you want to eat?"


I could hear the instant shift of the her voice from the tenderness she showed me a while ago to something dark and lustful.

She's definitely bipolar.

It's like there are two different people in here. One soft and caring and the other sadist and heartless but right now the caring one was long gone being replaced with her inner sadist demon.

"I'm not allergic to any type of food so I eat anything." Her eyes snapped back to mine leaving my body . Her eyes were filled with fields of lust and desire making me break it immediately feeling the atmosphere drifting to silent tension.

"What do particularly want to eat babygirl?"


"As i said-" Someone interrupted me making my eyes drop to the trembling brunette behind Skylar in a black mid thigh tight skirt tucked in white long sleeved shirt. I guess it's the maid's uniform.

"Excuse me mistress but breakfast is ready as you requested. If you need something from me-JUST FUCKING LEAVE, YOU ARE NO LONGER NEEDED." Skylar snapped not bothering to look at the wide eyed girl who practically ran out of the room in almost tears.

Why is she so fucking rude?

And mistress?


Why are you so fucking rude Skylar? And what does she mean by mistress?" I whispered feeling hurt for the little maid because I know what it feels like to be in such a place.

Where you are fucking disrespected like you are not even a human being just because that person is insanely rich or just because you are have no used to have an insane crush on them ...

"That's how I am but for you....."

"I'm not the type of person I'm right now. You changed a part of me because what I loved then was just money , sex ,weed and liquor but you came it my life making me realize how they are useless in my life when you are with me." I blankly stared at Skylar honestly not knowing i should even say or think about the crap she just said.

      𝐁𝐄𝐓𝐖𝐄𝐄𝐍 𝐇𝐄𝐑 𝐓𝐇𝐈𝐆𝐇𝐒 [18+]Where stories live. Discover now