twirling session

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Laila's pov

"Okay ma'am. I'm going to be waiting for you." I whispered before hanging up the phone immediately.

A small faint smile crept it's way to my cheeks knowing that at least I was going to see her again after two full weeks of torture.

I couldn't wait

5 hours later.....

I flipped the sign so that the part that had 'closed' would face the transparent glass window signalling the closure of the day to me.

It was already 00:30 which was one hour passed my normal shift schedule not because I was working though I had some few buyers but my main intention is too see her arrival.

I faced the dark street that was eliminated by the small strikes of light from the lamp stands  my eyes wondering for any sign of Skylar or her car but it was in vain.

It's not surprising because it has been like that for the passed five hours since the call. I would have had went home already but I want to wait for her here besides I have already texted her this location.

I was worried a bit about her safety. She's going to travel in the middle of the night for me.  I regret why I let her come this side and I hope she's fine.

Let no harm come upon her and when it's just something that got her stuck on the way ......

That would be alright because no matter how long it takes, I will still see and talk to her.

I sat down on the stool behind the reception desk looking through the large bay windows still for signs of  Skylar's arrival. Everytime a random person would pass-by the entrance of the shop, my heart would skip and jump out in joy hoping it might be her and that was like that for the next hour and half.

One hour and 30 minutes later......

What the fuck I'm i still doing here.

I got off the stool before grabbing all my essentials I needed with my car keys and shop keys walking out of the stupid shop not before switching off the lights.

I'm really stupid to think she would come from Italy because of me besides it's so far away from here for her to get a plane ticket then.

But it's been already six hours and thirty minutes since she told me she would come. It's already 2 in the morning yet I still have hope she might come.

I'm so stupid and hopelessly in love.

Why don't you just grow up Laila, you are a mother already but you think like a child of eight.

I hastily walked to my car as tears threatened to fall. Foot steps behind grew louder every step I took forward making my instincts kick in making me fidget.

Sweat formed at the back of my head as the hair raised stiff and still. Oh god....

I ran the small short distance remaining me and the car and in no time, I was near my baby making me hold out keys , unlocking it with a press of button before swinging the door open as my breath was still out of shot from the ran.

      𝐁𝐄𝐓𝐖𝐄𝐄𝐍 𝐇𝐄𝐑 𝐓𝐇𝐈𝐆𝐇𝐒 [18+]Where stories live. Discover now