parking lot

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Laila POV

After my call with Anna, I got my stuff and left my office to the elevator. I had my earphones in, while humming "SNAP by Rosa Lin"

I pressed the button of the elevator to the parking lot because this was her private elevator so it connected to every floor of the building and I still wonder why I'm allowed to use it though I'm her assistant.

As I waited for it to arrive , my phone dinged notifying me that I had received a message. I unlocked my phone scared to know who has texted me because I still hadn't overcome the shock of 50,000USD she had sent on my account.

I tapped on my message app and also unlocked it cause hey I need privacy since Anna knows my phone's password and it's not that I don't trust her it's just........

And who the hell doesn't have a password in their phone or an app lock.

I rolled my eyes as I read the message sent to me and it was the same person who sent me the location of God knows where.

Her nerve....

"Wear something nice, love ......

I rolled my eyes one more time realizing this will take longer than expected which just made my brain cells throb. I removed my earphones and tucked them into my bag safely and just in time the elevator arrived.

"Aahhh" I moaned in frustration as I stepped into the elevator with my running my hands in my hair to calm me down.

I pressed the elevator to the floor of  parking lot and stepped back leaning my head back on the glass.

I closed my eyes and deeply exhaled realizing that one night I had with her has made my life a living hell and it has just been hours since it.

I scrunched up my face in frustration and confusion.

Why is all this happening to me.....

The elevator dinged up indicating I had reached the parking lot so I stepped out of the elevator and walked to my car while fumbling with my bag to get out the keys.

After a period of cursing and mumbling incorrect words to myself, I finally unlocked the car and got in.

I placed my stuff into the passenger seat and looked back up but before I could roar the car into life, my eyes gazed up to a brunette that looked familiar in my eyes.

She was waiting for the elevator with her back to me and I couldn't get  a sight of her face but it looked like it was....Anna.

But what would she be doing here when she's going to meet her crush instead.

Did something happen to her?

I had a thought to call her and ask whether she was okay but as my eyes were about to avert from her figure boss stepped out of the elevator and my brows furrowed up in confusion.

What's going on here?

What is she doing down here?

She stepped closer to the girl and they talked abit and I couldn't tell what they were talking about because my boss had their head tilted down at the girl so that she could look at her like damn she's 6ft  point something.

She had her hands tucked in her pant suit and damn did she look hot?

I couldn't read their body language but the next thing I know is that my boss had her hand at the back of the girl's head with her face close to the girl's face and I could tell yeah..... they were kissing ...yeah

Was I hurt?


In the first place I didn't know why I was watching this, I could have just drove away like any other normal person would have done.

Yeah but I'm not normal.....

Their other hand snaked itself around the girl's small waist and pulled her closer to them every like a few minutes she would pull her to them. The girl stood on her tip toes and grabbed Skylar's shoulders for support and I couldn't imagine what the girl was feeling.

I couldn't help but wish she was doing that to me.

I gulped  and slightly shifted in my seat when her eyes met mine. I sucked in a sharp breath and it seemed like time freezed a bit.

Damn what is happening to me?

They tugged the girl's hair making the girl's head tilt back giving them access to mark their neck and in seconds their lips attached to the girl's neck , kissing, sucking and nibbling it and what shocked me was that she hadn't broken eye contact with mine making me take in shallow breathes.


I don't why but the air in the car felt hot all over a sudden.

Her pupils were dilated and there was only lust in her eyes, my eyes left theirs and I looked at the assaulted neck of the girl and let's say it was already full of hickeys.

Their lips left the girl's neck and attacked her lips again and this time her hand left her waist and traveled to the girl's thigh.

My breath hitched and I realized my hand was already on my thigh traveling up as my leg bobbed up and down making my panties brush against my clit arousing me again.

I stopped my hand just near my woman hood realizing I shouldn't be doing this here even though the sight Infront of me was too damn  so I exhaled deeply and averted my eyes away from the two before roaring the car into life and slipping out of the parking lot.

But I couldn't help but glance back at the a bit and the hand that was on her thigh was riding up and down her inner thigh raising it up meet their torso.

I gulped feeling myself hot down there before averting my eyes to the road and deeply exhaled. I didn't realize the car was now foggy so I turned the AC.  My body was sweaty so I wiped off the sweat that had formed on my forehead and neck before rolling down my windows as I drove home.

What the heck just happened there?

In just minutes, I reached my home and let's say I immediately fixed my problem with a cold shower and maybe some other stuff but nothing nasty.

I wrapped my towel around my body and I grabbed another one to wrap my hair in before walking to my closet and looked for a dress to wear and I just found the perfect one for the event though I very much didn't want to go on a date with her.

I just couldn't help but wish no more drama would happen but I still had a lingering thought in the back of my head.

Who would have been that girl?

Was that Anna?......or maybe she just looked familiar....

Finally my motivation back..
Reminder to my readers, none of my stories are edited so bare with my grammar if possible

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