real father of the baby

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Laila's POV

"Tell me Anna, is she the father of that baby?" My hands trembled together a bit as I held the gun in place directed towards her. The sides of my eyes stung feeling tears threatening to slip down my cheeks.

Questions swirled in my mind as I wondered why she would do such things to me. After everything that we went through together . After all the memories we made together in the past years, she still betrayed me. After the promises that we made together promising how we would be best friends til death do as apart , she still threw them away and betrayed me.

I thought she was my best friend . The best friend who I thought was going to be there for me no matter what.

The best friend who I knew was going to support me in my bad and good times.

The friend who I knew was going to love me unconditionally without judgement about very decision I do in my life whether it is stupid or not

And also be the person I knew who was going to listen and try to understand my point of view in every situation.

Yet she didn't. She did the opposite of what I expected a best friend to do. It just hurt . I just couldn't believe she did all that. I couldn't believe that she was the girl I saw kissing Skylar in the parking lot when they knew I was seeing them. I couldn't believe she drugged me in the bar. I couldn't even believe she made a deal with the person I told her who sexually assaulted me just to separate me from Skylar. I couldn't believe she broke up with her boyfriend just because to be with Skylar.

And last but not least I couldn't believe she was the one who told Skylar that I slept with Alexa yet she knew how much I loved my job but she still did.

I wish she never came to my workplace that day, maybe nothing like this would have happened. Maybe we wouldn't be having this conversation in this first place.

I wouldn't be even here. I wouldn't be trying to calm myself from shooting her brains out. I just wish I didn't even go to that bar in the first place overall I just wish I never met all the people in my life right now but especially I wish I never met this two faced bitch before my face right now.

"L-aila L-aila I-i..." Anna stammered as she tried to take a step forward towards me but I took one back never lowering the gun down. I could tell the nervousness and shock running down her spine as sweat formed on her forehead.

"You know what, first put the gun down then we talk like adults instead of acting like kids. Put the gun down please." I rose one of my eyebrows at her wondering where she got such a nerve from to say how we are acting like kids right now.

"Why should I put the gun down Anna, Give me two reasons right now to stop me from blowing your brains out." Anna's eyes widened and I could tell wheels were turning in her head looking for something to try to make me stop imagining her dead body before my eyes.

"Stop this Laila, I'm sorry for everything I did but I'm still your best friend after everything. I'm going to still be your best friend no matter what. I know it's going to take you a long time to forgive me but I'm really sorry, I'm really sorry for how I treated you L-aila but please put the gun down so we can talk." Anna's voice cracked at the end and I couldn't help but smirk at her words.

She's still my best friend.... hahaha how pathetic. How fucking beautiful and pathetic.

"Really Anna ? You say you are still my best friend after everything you did to me. Why are you like this? Why do you pretend that everything you did is nothing serious to me and can be forgiven in a blink of an eye. Anna look you fucking betrayed me. You knew I fucking liked Skylar ever since I started working for her yet the moment you saw her you decided to throw away our relationship of 4years and go down her dick as you kept telling me how I'm not worth to be with her. How I deserved better. How she has been telling lies and how fucking stupid I am to believe her words but I still believed you but why did you do that? Just because you also wanted her. A person who decided to fuck you when she knew we were best friends and you never considered our relationship letting her separate us without thinking twice. But I guess I was stupid to believe everything you said in my ears. I was willing to fuck over my job for your sake and believe how I never deserved to work in a place like that. I came here to your place in the middle of the night to say sorry for not believing you because I didn't want to lose you but instead I find you with the person I hate most asking for my phone which you stole from my place . You did that a while ago yet you are the same person that's telling me how sorry you are and you want me to believe you yet just a few hours ago you were the same person who told me how a person can't change in hours and I believed you. I didn't want to lose my best friend over someone I like because you were a big part of my life . I didn't want to lose you because you were worth more than me being with Skylar and that's what brought me here in the middle of the night but see what has happened. I find out how you have been fucking my boss and the most surprising thing of all is that you are pregnant and let's cut this crap I know the baby is Skylar's right?"

After my outburst I looked up the ceiling as I tried to keep my tears from rolling down my cheeks though I was having a hard time doing it from the pressure that was pressing down on my throat making me gasp every now and then trying to breath.

I rubbed the sides of my eyes to remove the tears that wanted to roll down my cheeks then looked back at Anna who had her emotions masked and cared less.

I don't care what she is thinking right now because all I want right now is to cut off all this drama in my life and start a new life and run away from every person I know in this city most especially the most three toxic people I know on earth but I wanted to know who the father of the baby was because I know Anna had a boyfriend besides I still had hope that Skylar could never reach to that extent when she knew we were best friends.

I just believed that .

"So tell me Anna, Is Skylar the father of the baby?" I whispered as I lowered the gun down away from her forehead letting my hand holding it fall to my sides clicking off the safety in the process showing her there's no harm I was going to make on her though I badly wanted to shoot all her brains out.

But I still have humanity in me. There's no way I was going to kill an innocent soul just because of their mother's mistake. I'm not a monster...yet. Silence took over us as I waited for her reply and finally it broke with a voice other than hers.

"The baby is not mine."


Damn I'm tired of drama , I want to write some character development together and I think the drama's is ending in the next chapter besides have you realized that Skylar and Laila have not had even their first kiss, I know I suck but 🤷🐼 that's me.

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