the phone

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Anna's POV

"Did you send what I told you?"

I pretended not to have heard what they had just said remaining silent knowing I didn't do what they wanted. I looked down at my feet as I pretended they weren't near me  making my breathing subside a bit though I was scared to death.  I didn't dare raise my head to meet their gaze but I could feel it burning holes in my figure.  "Why the fuck aren't you answering my question?" I could feel their irritation building up every second that passed as they took  slow steps towards me.

My heart drummed against my chest loudly as my breath picked up gradually in fear and terror. A hand grabbed my jaw making my head raise so that I could finally meet their intense burning gaze filled with fury. "I HATE IT WHEN YOU ACT STUPIDER THAN YOU ARE BESIDES I DON'T MEAN YOU HAVE THE BRAINCELLS OF SOMEONE STUPID FOR YOUR CASE YOU ARE JUST DUMB WITH LITTLE TO NO BRAINCELLS SO CUT THE CRAP AND TELL ME WHETHER YOU SENT WHAT I TOLD YOU PIECE OF SHIT?" I flinched at the words as their breath kissed my skin at how close her face was towards my face.  I tried to move away but  their nails scarped  against my skin as I removed their hand that was on my jaw but it was in vain feeling it wanting to crack due to the intense pressure in their grip.

I shook my head as I moaned in pain as I felt my jaw turning numb making them release their grip on me retreating their hand in the process also stepping back a bit . "I didn't not." I whispered lowly loud enough for her as I fiddled with my hands.

"Why not?"   Their voice was low filled with fury and calmness at the same time. I could feel it daring me to hesitate  more if I wanted to die right but I don't care. I  don't want to keep up with this bullshit anymore. I just want everything between us to end now. "It's because what we are doing is stupid and foolish, we are acting like kids."

I whispered loud enough for them to hear as I averted my gaze down to the floor again. "I can't do this anymore. Let's just stop." My voice came out shaky as I felt the aura changing abruptly. I could feel the fury coming from them yet at the same time I could feel them trying to compose themselves.

It's as if they were about to explode but trying to keep it in.

My heart drummed against my chest as I waited eagerly for their reply but seconds turned into minutes as if my words froze them to I wish they would just die and leave earth in peace. Silence clouded between us as I didn't dare speak a word again waiting for their reply except the fan hanging above us which was whipping around making the only sound in the room and let's not forget my heart drumming against my chest.

2 minutes later......

No word had escaped their lips making my gaze stay fitted on the floor comfortably.......

3 minutes later....

Still no word...

5 minutes later.....

They hadn't said a word making me furrow my eyes together in word what had happened to them. I raised my head meeting their black orbs but the next thing I knew, a hard slap was delivered across cheek making me hit the floor roughly with my chest first on the groundthen it exploded just like how I imagined it.

"ARE YOU FUCKING DUMB? WHAT THE FUCK IS EVEN  RUNNING THROUGH YOUR HEAD? DID YOU LOSE YOUR BRAINCELLS SOMEWHERE IN WALMART ANNA? WHAT THE FUCK DO YOU YOU MEAN WITH 'I don't want to do this anymore'" Their voice boomed throughout the hall as i felt my cheek sting under my touch due to hard slap she had delivered to me awhile ago.

      𝐁𝐄𝐓𝐖𝐄𝐄𝐍 𝐇𝐄𝐑 𝐓𝐇𝐈𝐆𝐇𝐒 [18+]Where stories live. Discover now