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Laila's pov

Three months later.....

"Look at yourself Laila," Lovely whispered as she sat me down in the couch found in the backroom of my flower shop as the world around me spun around me.

"You are having morning sickness yet you came to work. Do you want to kill yourself?" Lovely whispered-yelled at me as she glared down at my weak state.

My head jerked back as I wiped the sweat off my forehead before nodding nonetheless to what I couldn't quite get into my mind.

A deep sigh erupted from Lovely before she spoke again. "You know what you should go home, I'm going to take care of everything here at wo-" I interrupted Lovely with a strong 'no' while I shook my head.

I had nothing to do at home as the matter of fact no one was there. It was just me and my baby. The world around me spun as my head throbbed feeling the usual nausea starting to build in me.

"I'm fine for assurance I'm going to be fine." I whispered out shutting my eyes in the process resting my head on the headrest. I hated being weak and helpless but it wasn't new to me because I have been having these symptoms for the past two months.

And let's say it's not easy.

It has been hard living the past three months on my own  because I grow very tired easily in which I was advised by the doctors to rest a lot but I have to work for our baby and of course the two of us.

Yes I am pregnant and of course it's Skylar's. She took my V-card and I don't regret any second of it. That night is the night I shall forever remember til my deathbed. It was just.....i don't know how to say this but all I can say about that night is that Skylar West knows how to make a woman ride their high.

I love every minute of sex I have with her. She knows my buttons and what to say to make my slit coat with my juices.

She's just perfect.

"Are you sure? " I could feel her suspicious gaze under confirmation of the words I said. I nodded nonetheless whispering a faint yes towards her not bothering to open my eyes.

"Okay, I'm going back, don't hesitate to call me for anything." Lovely said before walking out quietly from the backroom making the door crack.

I sighed deeply letting the tears flow out easily coating my cheeks. I gulped thickly feeling the heart weighing down again.

I wish she was here with me.

I really miss her.

We haven't seen each other in over two weeks after she told me that she had to go for a business trip in Italy for over a period of time she herself doesn't know she will stay there.

Skylar has been always there when I need her so this experience is new to me especially when I'm pregnant when she doesn't know . Back then Skylar would travel in middle of the night to my place after work everyday she has some time to spare travelling in at least a minimum of 3 hour drive without traffic.

She would do anything for my well being.

The following morning after that night , Skylar insisted I should come stay in her house with her this time permanently but I declined the offer politely because I never felt like it was the right thing to do.

      𝐁𝐄𝐓𝐖𝐄𝐄𝐍 𝐇𝐄𝐑 𝐓𝐇𝐈𝐆𝐇𝐒 [18+]Where stories live. Discover now