highschool crush

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Laila's POV

"Um...C-can I eat out today if you don't mind." West raised her gaze from her files and stared at me strangely for the first time after the incident and you know why?

Let me explain this well again

Well me Laila I don't eat out unless it is a date with someone and that also doesn't happen in my workdays because I love my job so much but for some fucking asshole who threatened me if I don't go out for lunch with her I'm going to lose my job because of a stupid nightstand I had with her and for things to be worse the shedevil told me to stay away from her.

"Why?" I raised my head and stared directly into her eyes which were searching mine.

Her word was just a why but it repeated itself in my mind.


The fuck I don't know too but what I know I don't want to lose my beautiful job because of that bitch.

I bit my bottom lip as I tried to search for a lie but her eyes broke the stare and looked at my lip that was tugged between my teeth for half a minute before directly her gaze back to her files and that's when I also found a lie a second later.

"I have a-" She interrupted me with a wave of a hand showing her perfectly expensive manicured black nails in my direction and I couldn't help but raise one of my eyebrow at it.

When did she become this fucking arrogant??

You tell me...

"Save it , just don't come back after 2;30 or else you will be fired." I rolled my eyes at her because she had her eyes on her laptop typing some stuff.

Yeah whatever bitch...

"Thank you." I tried to make it come out politely but it went downhill making her stop typing and look at me expressionless.

"Is there a problem Miss. White?" Her eyes were daring me to speak up and throwing daggers at me. I gulped down saving my throat from the dry sensation I didn't know had formed before shaking my head 'no' before leaving her damn office.

Phew that was close.....

I wiped off the invisible sweat from my forehead and leaned on her door so tired.

Being in her office for more than five minutes just drains all my energy making me tired.

When the fuck is this day ending like damn I have had enough for fuck sakes.

I closed my eyes for a bit trying to relax and I couldn't help but wonder what in the world happened to my bestie ( Anna)

I sighed out deeply cursing this day for the hundredth time in a row before opening my eyes and grabbing my phone from my pocket dialing Anna's number.

I worked away from her office to mine and it didn't take long before Anna answered the phone.

"What's up bitch?" Anna yelled into the phone making me take my phone from my ear for a damn second rolling my eyes in the process.

If I hadn't known her for years I would say she was high but nah she's fine just dealing with her boyfriend issues.

"Hi bestie, what happened to you? Did you get knocked up by your stupid boyfriend so your looking for him to give him the news?" I smirked and I could hear her faint curses to me before she answered back.

Pay back

I opened the door to my office and leaned on my office desk. "No but something else better happened to me besides that we broke up for ever."

Thank goodness, I couldn't take Anna crying again because of that bonehead again.

She deserves better.

"Forever?" I asked to confirm with a small smile on my face. "and ever" She replied back and chuckled.

She was happy and I couldn't help but wonder what made her move on so fast like that.

No that I don't want her to be happy but last time we checked she was madly in love with him and that's a few weeks back.

"So..what better thing happened to you?" I asked curiosity killing me. She sighed dreamily into the phone and my eyes shot up. "You remember my college crush I told you about,"

My brows furrowed together not knowing where this conversation was going but I knew she was and still so obsessed with her crush.

"Well we accidentally met up and we hit it off. She asked for my number and we are meeting up today again at her workplace. Oh and she isn't a he just her appearance gives off the wrong vibe."

She had told me about her college crush being all hot and sex and she only saw her a few times By then she told me she was a he basing on appearance but now it's aaaahhh this is making my head hurt so bad.

What the fuck?


Nope she's just high....yeah and she's so confusing me.

"Laila please say something." She begged into the phone and I shook my head to overcome the shock. I couldn't even come up of words for her so I decided to close the topic.

"You know what Anna , we should talk later like in person because I have to go somewhere really quick ." I said through gritted teeth remembering that bitch Smith.

"Who we killing?" Anna said in a serious tone and I chuckled a bit knowing she can't herself kill a spider.

"No one important." I got off the desk and looked for my purse . "Okay we shall talk later and I'm also going to meet my mommy."

'Aaaaaaaah' I will kms if she addresses her as mommy infront of me.

I rolled my eyes before hanging up the phone as I scrolled through my phone realizing a text message from an unknown number.

It had a location to a place just a few minutes away from my office making me sigh hoping this day will end soon without any more drama...

Or did I think!


      𝐁𝐄𝐓𝐖𝐄𝐄𝐍 𝐇𝐄𝐑 𝐓𝐇𝐈𝐆𝐇𝐒 [18+]Where stories live. Discover now