chapter seven

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The stands are filled to the brim with people, dressed in colours so bright that they almost hurt my eyes, I try to concentrate on my projecting my image to the Capitol, waving and smiling when they cheer my name. It's all I can do.

When I look up at the  huge screens projecting close-up of the scene, glimmer, the girl from district 1, has the most attention. No wonder! She's a perfect, pretty blonde,brimming with ethereal beauty,she has the crowd hooked.

And then the screen changes,and I'm  looking straight in the eyes of a worrier girl.her raven hair braided, hanging almost to her waist. Huge green eyes showed with gold glitter, famed with a mass of thick black lashes. Shrouded in gold armour. The worrier girl on the screen is me.

And just for a minute, I'm no longer clove kentwell,I am a worrier,a fighter,a girl with no name, yet with everything focused on her. And I feel great.

I wave and gesture to the crowd, and they cheer eagerly,cranking there necks to catch a glimpse of the worrier girl in gold.i catch a red rose in my left hand and blow a kiss in the general direction of where it came from. Everyone cheers quietly.

The screen alternates between all the tributes and there costumes. It shifts from 1 to 2 then to 3 and 4,5 and 6,7,8,9 and 10.11 wear silver crowns of plaited leaves upon there heads and denim dungarees. And then the career begin.

The whole crowd erupts into screams,and I know why. Up on the screen,are the district 12 tribute.and they are on fire,literally.

The girl,Katniss,has her hair braided intricately around her head,with a flowing Cape made of flames blowing behind her, the flames illustrating her face and turning her into some kind of human touch. A very popular torch by the sound of things. Her fellow tribute looks pretty much the same. The Capitol citizen are screaming the 12 tributes names, and they both return the thanks waving graciously and catching kisses blown by the crowd.

It disgusts me to even think of her. she had alone stolen catos and i's spotlight . We were the favourites to win! Well now,it looks like we're not. And it scares me to think of it. they're your only hope now, clove. You have to make them love you.

We reach the city centre as the capitol anthem ends, and  president snow looks over the balcony, the crowd fulls  silent as he steps up to the podium,and begins his address.

Welcome. tributes,we welcome you,we salute you,your courage,and your sacrifice,we wish you all,happy hunger games.and may the odds,be ever in your favour.

We arrive in a cavernous space,all grey and white, with angular shapes and high,towering ceilings: the training centre.

Tallulah bustle forward to meet us,followed by cacilla and cordelia, who cheers and whoops.

"That was brilliant!" Shouts tallulah over the hubbub of voices.i try my best to smile as cacilla and crystalline help me down from the chariot and cacilla circles around me,checking my hair and costume and everything.

"You two looked amazing"shouts crystalline, and I laugh in response cato simply smirks.god, hes arrogant! I really need to make him less egoism.

"Well,what did you expect crystalline?" Says cato, still with a stupid smirk plastered over his face."this is us remember, we are the best here!"

I take of my helmet and whack him with it,glaring up at him,trying to look serious. Although I don't think I'm doing a good job: it's hard to not look intimidating at 5'4"."cato! Stop being an arrogant idiot!" I hiss. He just laughs.

We step out of an elevator into the weirdest,yet the most amazing apartment I've ever seen.every colour is bright and gaudy,no space left free of colour.there is a dining table on a raised platform at one end, surrounded by oddly shaped chairs, a huge puffy sofa in rainbow hues are clumped in a circle around a huge television screen that takes up the hole wall. A corridor to the left leads down, with doors on each side leading off into our bedrooms. This place is amazing. But I hate it. It's nothing like home.

We change out of our opening ceremony outfits into something much more casual. I choose a silver top and a pair of black skinny Jean's from the small pile sitting on the bathroom cabinet,change,and walk back into the main living area

Tallulah motions for everyone to sit down at the table.she presses a button on the wall,and suddenly, half a dozen avox fly into the room, carrying platters laden with a brilliant array for food. We eat away for at least half an hour, discussing strategies from tomorrow training session in the basement gym.all the tributes will be present,each and every one,judging each other, trying to figure out everybody's strengths and weaknesses.

"So" begins crystalline, half way through a slice of purple melon, looking deep in through. " you're careers,so you show off. Do everything you can to make the others seem intimidated by you.clove" she turns to me,bright green eyes trained on my own "you may not seem intimidating when you first walk into the gym,but through a knife, and they will be running into next week to get away from you."

No surprise there,that's been happening my whole life . But I nod away, wipe my mouth with a napkin, and take another serving of some kind of pasta dish from an avox'tray.

"Now,cato" crystalline, continues, directing her focus away from me " you don't need a sword to look intimidating, you do that with your presence alone."

Cato laughs and gives us all that arrogant smirk again.i can't help but admit to my self that he does look pretty good, even if he is an egoistic twat.hell, did I actually think that?


"But,if you can get hold of an sword, then you'll quite possibly be the scariest career in the hunger games history. Possibly bar enobaria  hart. But she's on another level."crystalline laughs profusely,and we all join in:everybody knows  enobaria hart. In the games, she ripped out her opponents throats with her teeth. The said teeth are now more like fangs,filled to a point,and inlaid with gold. Definitely scary.

When dinner Is Finnished, tallulah shows me to my bedroom. It is even bigger than the train, with gigantic bed and a closet that is full to the brim with an array of garments.

I notice that tallulah has left me a gift.a sketchpad and an array of pencils, plain out over the bed. I take them,and sit on the window ledge, leaning back against the frame. I tease my hair from its braid until it runs loose and flowing down my back,a few long strands setting on my sketchpad as I begin to draw.

With elegant line work and beautiful shading. It is me, the worrier girl in gold,with winged helmet and long spidery black lashes surrounding a pair of massive looking eyes.and,next to me,in my fellow worrier, the same winged helmet and golden costume. But with sticky folded blonde hair,a pair of glistening blue eyes.

Why is he here again? Get out of my head!

I close my sketchbook and let it tumble to the floor,along with my pencils. I'm far to tired to do anything. Today has been pretty huge, and I don't doubt that tomorrow will be just as I curl up in my covers and drift into a dreamless sleep.

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