chapter twenty

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Run, clove! RUN, NOW!

I dart through the underground as fast as my legs will carry me,ignoring the fact that my hair is snagging on every branch, my feet stumbling over tree roots whey five seconds, I cannot be caught by the flames.i have to win the chase, I have to escape.

I pick up my pace, even my lungs are burning from the smoke and my legs are aching so much that I stumble even more frequently.

Mustn't fall. Mustn't stop,keep moving, ignore the pain.

The realisation hits me then: it's the gamemakers. They're controlling this. The wall behind me is no tribute campfire gone horribly horribly wrong, this is meant to happen, but why?

It might be meant for me only. The gamemakers have no reason to kill me: it must be for somebody else. Fire girl.came this way; maybe it's for her?

My feet pound the earth. I hit the ground hard,falling to my knees, and my hands as I hit the floor with a thud,brushing the mud of my clothes,I swing my pack back over my shoulder and run again,harder this is exploding in my chest ,causing me to cough endlessly as I run, almost chocking me.

I'm going to die.

I hardly notice the whistling first. But when it does arrives,it arrives unwelcome . A large bang behind me signals danger. I spin my head just enough to see a tree burst into flames. Fire bombs.

Now they are throwing bloody fire bombs at me! Great, just what I need! This makes my day a little but better, doesn't it?

I run faster and faster, trying  to be avoid being hit by the lethal bombs, suddenly,my feet hit something hard,and I trip and go crashing to the floor.

"What the hell was that?" Somebody shouts from behind me. I recognize the voice. It's cato. He was asleep, I must of tripped over his outstretched arm.

I spin around quickly, to find him staring in my direction. His expression turns from one of anger, to one of surprise,within seconds.

"Clove! What the hell is happening?" He shouts,coughing from the smoke " what's all this fog?"

"It's the gamemakers!" I shout back "they're throwing fire bombs at me and we need to run,otherwise the wall of fire will catch up with us and kill us!" I grab his hand, and drag him to his feet. I try drag him with me,running,but he pulls me back.

"What about the others?" He manages to choke out between cougs " we can't just leave them!"

Well,I would leave glimmer and zafira if it was up to me,but I'd take Marvel. But I suppose I've got no choice.

I kick glimmer in the side to wake her up,and she stirs and begins to cough. " who the hell just kicked me?" She Shouts "and why can't I see anything?"

" the gamemakers have created a wall of fire that is actually moving towards us at this very moment ." I shout, still coughing in between words " which means we have to move,now!"

I can hear Marvel and zafira also rising now,both shouting. I can't explain what is happening yet: we need to get out of here quickly as possible. I gather up some packs from the floor, grab onto somebody's arm, and drag them through the endless smoke. The others,no doubt,follow.

When we emerge from the smoke, I go into a fit of ranking coughs that shake my whole body, and end up retching Into a Bush,desperately trying to empty my lungs, trying to stop the burning pain " clove,you okay?" Asks Marvel.

"Yeah." I manage to choke out, before coughing even more.

"Clove?" Shouts a voice that I recognize as glimmer " what the hell is she doing here?I though she left us?"

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