chapter twenty five

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After  Marvel's tragic and untimely death,it is hard to feel the same. I mean,it was expected, eventually,but it still comes to shock. A bad shock: the guy was possibly the only one I could trust here, especially as Cato's mind has gone to the dogs. It's a huge lost, and it's pretty hard to deal with.

Since the camp was blown up by,as we know have figured out,fire girl,we had to move camp,changing every single day,not staying in one place more then twenty four hours, sometimes even less. We can't take the risk at staying: there are only a few left on this game now.

Myself,cato,fire girl,peeta(who is somehow still alive,even after cato cut him) thresh,Alyssa from 5,the foxed face girl,and the boy from 10 with the limp. Every day, I awake up with the constant fear buzzing around inside my head. Threatening to drive me insane as I attempt to get myself through the following twenty four hours.

Cato doesn't seem to be raging man anymore, even after we figured out who it was that destroyed our camp, but he still doesn't seem the same: he is far from the misunderstood guy I may have fallen in love with back in the Capitol.

His thoughts seem to be focused entirely on winning, especially since the rule change: two people can make it out alive,if they are from the same district. I'd say cato and I have a very good chance. But we know that fire girl and peeta are still around still,and they're not to be ignored, especially now that we've seen how much damage little Katniss can do when she puts her mind to it.

With a small sigh, I pick up the walking pace,in a desperate bid to keep up with Cato's mammoth stride, and we continue through the forest, attempting to find ourselves a suitable place to sleep. The sky is darkening overhead and,if we don't get anywhere soon, we're going to have to resort to our night vision goggles,if we want to find safety: there are only a few of us left now, and that means there are going to be traps.

The gamemakers will be getting bored by now: not a lot has happened In the past day, and the Capitol residents watching at home will be baying for blood,my blood, if it comes to it. I hope I still have a good enough sponsors to get me out of trouble if it finds me: if we've all moved over to fire girl and loverboy the cato and I are stuffed. We will be on are way back to our families
In a wooden box.

Well,cato will anyway.

When I die I will be sent straight back to the home, were everyone will mourn for a while or so, but then I would be just forgotten : another death in the endless line,just a part of history. I'm not ready to become a part of history yet.

We carry on walking for another 10 minutes, until cato finds a tree and seems it suitable for sleeping in. I straighten my pack on my shoulders, and hull myself up onto the branches, scaling the trunk up to the canopy with ease.cato follows on behind me,but has to stop lower down, because he is worried about the branches won't be able to take our weight combehind.

I manage to find a sturdy fork between two of the strongest branches, and begin to set up camp,hanging my pack over the end of the branch above me and setting out my sleeping bag over the tree. I take of my outer jacket to use as a pillow but,a chill seems to whip through the forest as soon as I do so, which make me regret my decision instantly, and retort to having no pillow in favour of warmth.

As I settle down into my uncomfortable bedding arrangement, listening to the sound of the nocturnal animals just rising from there beds, and the faint snoring from below me ( presumably cato got to sleep a lot faster then me), and thinking about what is going to happen.

I don't know what's going on between cato and I right now,and I won't be able to try and figure out what happened to our friendship. It's just not the same anymore. I know that the whole explosion thing was definitely a factor in it,but I didn't expect it to cause such a problem.

Yeah,the guy is insane,but I guess I've always known that. Since the first day I saw him in the training centre, I've know that he wasn't exactly perfect mind-wise. The way he just casually tore apart the dummies with no worries about the humaneness of his actions or not. He has always been a bloodthirsty killer, but I haven't seen the extent of it before today. And it has shocked me: I thought it was just an act.

But,they do say,that the games can change people in the way they could never imagine. The game has changed cato. He is no longer the guy I may have fallen in love with in the, he is the cato Hadley,future district 2 victor.

It feels like I have just gone to sleep,when the morning arrives, awakening me with it's bright sunlight and noisy animals scuttling across the forest floor,I yawn and stretch my arms out, narrowing avoiding a dangerous fall to them ground.

"Come on cato,wake up,it's a new day and we have stuff to do." I shout down into the branches below me. There is a loud, yet distantly sleepy murmur,and,suddenly,cato pockets his head over the top of the branch I'm sitting on, resting his folded arms on the unstable end,making it creak under the added weight.

"Cato you idiot!" I shout, grabbing on to the trunk behind me for dear life as the wood begins to waver slightly.

"Calm down clove,I'm not that heavy,god" he says grumbling. I rool my eyes, and begin to pack my bedding and supplies back into my bag. Before lowering myself down to the canopy of branches were cato slept last night.his supplies are still scattered across and hanging from folk in the tree, and I automatically sigh to myself, before beginning to help him tidy up. We then begin to climb down from the tree.

When we get to the lowest branch,I take a quick, agile from the wood and land gracefully on my feet on the forest floor. Cato isn't so elegant, and manages to take a slight nosedive, which I can't help but laugh at,and crashes into a nearby hedge. "Erge." He Exclaims in disgust,pulling various bits of plant from his jacket and brushing mud off his trousers.

When I don't stop laughing. He lifts me up and throws me over his shoulder. "Cato!" I scream through my laughter, and he spins around, nearly sending me flying "you idiot,put me down!" Cato begins to laugh too, despising me on to the ground so I loose my balance and fall on to my butt.

He is still laughing. "Erge cato!" I shout, scowling up at him. He stretches one hand out to help me up,and I take it,pulling myself to my feet.

In just the single moment, I saw a bit of the old cato. He turns up sometimes,out of the blue, and you never know when it's going to happen. It could be halfway through the day,when you least expect it,or he could wake up up in the middle of the night and start a party. It happens. This is the cato I feel in love with.

It's very hard to deny it now, after that,I do love him. I can't tell myself otherwise now. It's impossible to. I do love him. I love cato Hadley.

And If we both make it out alive, who knows what could happen.........

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