chapter seventeen

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"Right!" Shouts cato, and everyone turns to face him almost immediately. It seems that he's elected himself to be the leader of the group,and no one seems that they want to question him. They would be correct about that: I don't think anyone in there right mind would argue with cato when he has a sword in his hand.

" I guess we should sort this lot out,otherwise people might try and take our stuff in the night while we are on the hunt for tributes." He glances towards maverick for a flicker of a second, and in that instant, I know that he doesn't completely trust maverick, but needs him if our idea is to work properly.

"We should make a pyramid of supplies." Says Marvel " but we'll need packs if we want to go hunting.i say we sort out the necessities and put adequate amounts in each pack, then divide the weapons, we put all the other stuff in the pyramid, then set up the mines around it." His idea is a good one, a very good one.

"That's good." I say "I'll go sort out the packs, Anyone going to bother to help me?"

"Yeah, I'll help" says Marvel happily. He walks of towards the cornucopia to gather up the supplies.

" thank God." Exclaims Marvel as soon as we are out of earshot " I thought I'd have to put up with those two idiots till dark"

I can't help laughing, assuming he means glimmer and zafira "I agree, there so annoying!" Especially glimmer, although I would tell him that because of the reason that I don't like glimmer, if he knows that I like cato, then he could use that against me.

No, better not tell him that.

"So," he says " we better make a start on these packs,otherwise we won't get these pyramids done by the time we have to hunt. And we don't want to get stranded out in the dark and come back to find all are stuff gone." I nod vigorously in reply, and we both begin to collect all the packs and other supplies around the cornucopia.

Marvel ends up spotting 5 pairs of glasses wrapped up in a blanket rool. Unlikely, there are only 5 pairs, and seven of use, which means two people are going to be left without.

"So what are we going to do? Because we can't all have them because there aren't enough!" Says glimmer exasperating.oh well done glimmer, you can count.

" I think clove and Marvel should both get some because they found them in the first place." Says peeta. I'm pleasantly surprised by his reaction.i didn't think he'd say that we should have them.

"I agree." Says cato, storming through the middle of the group forming around  the pile. I haven't even noticed him before
"I'll take a pair,but that leaves one, with zafira, glimmer and peeta still left. Two of you aren't getting any glasses
But who?"
"I don't mind, you can leave me without them." Says peeta,stepping backwards from the circle, I think he might of done that for a reason, so to not to anger us career. He isn't one of us, after all.

" ok,so that means you to are left." Pointing towards glimmer and zafira, who turn to face each other in an almost cinematic slow. A dangerous glare  hits both pais of emerald green eyes at the same moment
As they both reach towards the ground to take the one remaining glasses, I step in the middle of them and put my hand out to stop them.

"We're not going to start a fight to claim death over glasses,guys!" I shout "clam down for god sakes!" the circle fills silent, except for heavy breathing of the two girls either side of me, willing to battle it out for glasses. I don't step down from my spot, despite peeta's  scared glance at me, or marvel's glare.

Eventually cato manages to sort the two of them out,and glimmer ends up with the  glasses instead of zafira.i can't see how glimmer is going to help any of us.

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