Chapter 1-1 Shuuji's Bizarre Adventures

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"Shuujiii~ hey I'm talking to you, why are you spacing out on this life threatening mission!?"

Shuuji's little daydream is cut short by his friend Yuuki, he then realizes that he's been staring at the brown haired maid for way too long. For some reason the girl reminds him a lot of his childhood friend that he's desperately trying to search for. Although a maid cafe is the last place he thought he'd be seeing her.

"Listen, I called you here because of the nature of this mission and how dangerous it could become. We have to wait for my shishou* to show up before we do anything rash, the Syndicate might have already set up an ambush somewhere." Yuuki says as he condemns his friend's absent minded attitude.

"But I'm a healer right?" Shuuji teases back, "all I gotta do is pump a few healing spells and we'll be back in action, no?"

"Yes, but that's not how magic wor-"

"S-Sorry for the wait, here's the umm... iced mocha and... extra bitter black coffee!" The pair's conversation is cut short by the very maid Shuuji had been caught inspecting. The fact that she stutters her words and the way her hands are fidgeting with her maid dress all indicate that she's relatively new in this line of work. She then attempts to hide her nervousness by averting their gaze with her gem-like purple eyes, her face a flushed mess.

"A-Ah.. thank you.." Shuuji responds kindly towards their waitress. Yup...she definitely reminds me of her...

Seeing that their conversation is interrupted, Yuuki instead takes a small sip out of his coffee but quickly makes a face of visible disgust. Despite this, he proceeds to down his drink in a few quick gulps, making sure not to savor the taste.

"You don't have to drink it all if you hate it that much, you know." Shuuji chides out of concern for his friend, "why did you even order that in the first place?"

"It's... something... my shishou recommended to me... it's said to... help... activate my dormant magical potential." Yuuki's retort came out in bits, presumably from his tongue rejecting the grudging abuse it was subjected to, "I can feel my power level rising already... ughhh..." Yuuki can't help but stick his tongue out in disgust, the extra bitter black coffee clearly has a strong lingering aftertaste.

A few tables down is the same maid that had just served them, conversing with some other customers in her usual shy demeanor.

The way she wears her hair in a half ponytail, the way she gets easily flustered, the way her eyes glow...they're almost...identical.

"...and that's why, we have to find my shishou asap and exchange with her the information- did you even hear a word I said?" It seems that while Shuuji Itsuki was getting distracted by the maid again, Yuuki was lecturing about the importance of the mission they were currently carrying out in this maid cafe.

"Sorry sorry, there was just something on my mind..." Shuuji hurriedly turns his attention back to his friend. No matter how chuuni* his friend is, getting caught ogling a girl in a maid dress is bad news.

"Huhhh? Does that something have to do with the way you were eyeing that maid over there?" Yuuki teases with a smug tone, as if getting payback for Shuuji's lack of attentiveness.

Tsk, despite being a chuunibyou* he's surprisingly sharp when it comes to stuff like this. Even though most of the time he just rambles on about evil organizations and magical superpowers and whatnot.

"Yeah...she just...reminds me of someone I used to know." Shuuji explains.

"Now that you mention it, she does look familiar huh...I get the feeling that I've seen her somewhere before at school..." Yuuki concurs while falling deep in thought, "wait, it can't be! She must be a spy sent by the Syndicate! This is a trap, we've gotta abort!"

Yuuki's tantrum soon catches the attention of many confused customers, including a tiny, mysterious figure that has been watching them from a few tables away.

"Shhhh- watch your voice." Shuuji has no choice but to cover a hand over his friend's mouth and proceeds to drag him out of the maid cafe, "we're sorry for the inconvenience!"

After many apologies, bows and some extra tip, the pair hastily exits the cafe. The mysterious figure makes no attempt to follow them, not that Shuuji and Yuuki had noticed the little espionage to begin with.


Shuuji and Yuuki are greeted by the dry autumn winds as they step out of the cafe doors. Leaves of yellow and brown dancing along as cars zoom by. They walk side by side on the stony pavement, neither wanting to start up a conversation.

It's fall again...I can't believe 8 years have passed already since we've lost contact. Shuuji Itsuki still can't shake the feeling that the girl from his dreams has some sort of connection with the maid he just encountered. No...they probably just look similar, otherwise why would Yuuki also find her familiar?

"Good thing my Magan(魔眼)* saw right through their little trap, otherwise we'd be in some serious trouble." Yuuki boasts out loud in an attempt to break the awkward silence. He quickly realizes that Shuuji isn't paying him any attention at all. Even so, Yuuki shows no sign of stopping: "sasuga ore-sama*, if I hadn't unveiled their evil plans we'd surely have died in that maid cafe, speaking of which, is probably used as a secret hideout by the Syndicate where they conduct their most secret of experimentations..."

Yuuki carries on with his endless monologue while Shuuji is too absorbed in his own thoughts to meddle. They eventually arrive at the crossroad which divides their paths, waving each other goodbyes as they proceed to walk their separate ways home.


Shishou*: Master or teacher, someone that has taken you as their disciple. 

Chuuni/Chuunibyou*: The literal translation is Eighth Grade Syndrome. it is a term used to describe children that suddenly show delusional behaviour. This is often the belief they hold supernatural powers, although not always.

Magan(魔眼)*: Demon eye or magic eye. Basically an extension of Yuuki's Chuunibyou whereas he thinks he has the power to see through everything.

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