Chapter 1-2 But How Many Years Is That?

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 "Shuu-kun? Are you okay? You look tired."

Her white dress flutters under the summer breeze, her hair waving in tune to the vast grassfield, and her eyes as bright as the midsummer sun.

"Shuu-kun? Weren't we gonna be together forever?"

The scenery suddenly shifts, the harsh winds no longer carrying the same warmth... at least she has her coat to stay warm.

The field that was once an emerald green has been reduced to nothing but hollow stalks... her hair no longer danced, instead it was tied into a half ponytail.

The sun was nowhere to be seen, the sky bleak and clouds grey...

Her eyes... dull... teary...

"Shuu-kun! C-Could you stop staring at's kinda embarrassing..."

The scenery changes once again, this time, Shuuji Itsuki is brought back to the maid cafe. However his childhood friend is nowhere to be seen, standing before him instead, was the maid with hazelnut-brown hair and eyes of amethyst.


"知らない言葉を, 覚えていくたび*ー" 

Shuuji Itsuki sits up wide awake from the loud blaring of his favourite anime opening. While sliding off the alarm he quickly realizes that the song has been playing on its third loop. Badump. It's hard to calm down after a dream like that, and the fact that he's running late for school certainly didn't help.


Shuuji arrives at Shinken High's entrance exactly one minute before the bell for the first period. Huffing and panting as he hastily changes his shoes by the lockers when he catches a glimpse of a familiar figure.


Shuuji mutters as he reaches out in an attempt to tap the girl's shoulder. But the person in question turns around before his hand could make contact, revealing a pair of rectangular rimmed glasses covered by hazel bangs. Lowering his gaze however, Shuuji finds out that this person was in fact... wearing the guy's uniform.

A dude..? No wait... this guy's from our class.

"Ah... sorry about that." Shuuji apologizes while stiffly transitioning his outstretched hand to a head scratch, "you're... Baru-san from the same class right?"

"My name is Beru..." The boy answers coldly, "and I would much prefer you to call me by my family name Rin."

Yabeiii*, I've heard rumors about this guy being a weirdo... but actually talking to him is worse than I thought.

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