Chapter 1-3 Shinken High

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 The cheers and shouts of the A-2 class on the vast school field can be heard all the way up to the third floor. Many of the dozing students of A-3 look down at the field with envy, wishing that they had PE first period as well.

The rhythmic tapping of the chalk, the soft breeze of the autumn winds. The classroom was a perfect place for some to replenish their much needed sleep. Some did eventually end up napping, to which the teacher pretended not to see. However Yuuki was not one of those people.

Despite being deluded by his Chuunibyou, Yuuki Kamiyama is one of the few students that actually pays really close attention to the classes. He is what you would call a hard-working student. After all, there are only 2 ways of getting into the prestigious school of Shinken High:

1. Having an influential and wealthy background or

2. Having an outstanding academic record.

Of course in the end, candidates selected from the two methods will still need to attend an inevitable entrance exam, which is said to be the most difficult and gruesome within the country. Being rich however, could sometimes exempt you from the cruel process of elimination, providing a leverage against those that scored similar marks.

Yet despite all odds, Yuuki and Shuuji from the same middle school somehow both managed to get into this top school of elitists. Though with different purposes in mind, the two ended up in the same class of A-3 alongside few others with similar financial standings.

It is not by coincidence however that the two ended up together, those sent to the class of A-3 are often ones that barely made it into the school, divided between the diligently unprivileged (academically successful students without a wealthy background) and the slothful wealthy (students from influential families who barely passed and got in through bribery).

That is precisely why even as the A-3 homeroom teacher, the strict and stern Shirozaki-sensei was unable to discipline every student (unless he wanted to lose his job).

But a student like Shuuji Itsuki, who got in through hard work and a bit of luck, missing not one but two classes in the first week of the second term was unheard of.

"Come back in after you're done with those apology letters! Do you plan on missing any more material than you already have!?" Following the homeroom sensei's complaints, the pair re-enters the room with their papers in hand.

"Itsuki-san... we'll have a talk in the staff room after class. As for you..."

"Oh right, my name is Wynn Chairman, my last name is kinda weird so y'all can just call me Wynn," the new student says as he starts writing his name down on the chalk filled blackboard, "due to reasons within my household, I had to join late into the second semester, it might be hard for me to fit in this late into the school year but please go easy on me."

The class seems rather excited over the addition of the new quirky transfer student (anything is better than Shirozaki-sensei's calculus after all), but the commotion soon dies down as the teacher begins to talk.

"Ahem, thank you for your introduction Wy- Chairman-san. However, your familial situation does not exempt you from being late to class." The teacher then glances around the room while Shuuji finally returns to his desk next to Yuuki, "you can have the seat behind Kamiyama-san, he's the one by the window near the back."

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