Chapter 2-4 Kotori the Eccentric Kaichou

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"Ahem, sorry for the wait. I just couldn't help myself ahahaha..." Kotori scratches his head in embarrassment as he finally lets go of Shiro's alluring twintails, "now then, where were we..."

"I've brought him like you've asked, Kotori-kaichou." Beru announces as he signals Shuuji to follow him into the club room.

"Hmmm... if I remember correctly, Berurin, you were the only one that agreed with my preposition of having a non-trap joining our club." Kotori's voice still has a hint of liveliness, but the overall sternness in his tone makes it apparent that whatever happens next is gonna be a serious talk. "So mind telling me the reason for that?"

"I...umm... I-I just thought..." Beru's eyes start to dart all around the room, his fingers also begin to fidget uncontrollably. It's obvious that he isn't comfortable with being put on the spot, and Kotori being the club leader should know this better than anyone.

"I was the one that wanted to join!" Shuuji suddenly intercepts, surprising everyone in the room, "I've made up my mind about joining already so there's no need to be so hard on Rin-san about it."

"Oh? Saving your little princess I see, well aren't you the white knight in shining armor?" Kotori muses on, his voice adapting a more playful tone, "actually, compared to Berurin, I'm more curious as to why you suddenly changed your mind about not joining."

What's this sense of pressure I'm feeling? I know I may not be the most extroverted person but that doesn't mean I have trouble speaking... somehow this person... Kotori was it? He's exerting some scary vibes...

"I-I have my reasons," Shuuji takes a glance at Kotori, who has his legs crossed and his hands interlocked over the table. The sight is truly like an evil mastermind planning their next ploy.

There's no way I can tell him that it's because I didn't wanna see Rin-san cry. Ahhhh, come on! Think! Think of something... anything to say!

"Actually, there's a condition for me joining." Shuuji blurts out.

"Oh? A condition and not a reason?" Kotori presses on, without giving Shuuji any chance to breathe, "first you say you've already made up your mind and now you're saying you have conditions for joining?"

"I... I mean..." Shuuji starts to stutter as well, much like how Beru was at the beginning.

"Ahahaha, I'm kidding I'm kidding! Sure, just tell me what the condition is and I'll see what I can do about it. The club is gonna shut down without a fifth member anyways so I guess beggars can't be choosers."

What is this sudden shift in attitude...? Oh well, at least I'm off the hook... but why do I feel kinda irritated now?

Shuuji feels as if he's just been questioned by the teacher about an assignment he knew he didn't do. But in the end, the teacher somehow lets him off because the assignment wasn't even due...

...simply put, Shuuji feels as if he's been played for a fool by the whimsical soul known as Kotori.

"I want you to help find my childhood friend," Shuuji declares calmly, his irritation not enough to warrant an outburst, "that's my condition for joining the trap club."

"Ahhh right, you talked about her last time as well, something about her and Berurin looking alike." It isn't hard for Kotori to recall the first time Shuuji visited the trap club, "sure, I can do that, as long as you're sure she's in this school, I'm pretty good at finding people after all." Even though it's mostly just to scout out cute boys that have trap potential.

"Yeah I'm sure she's in Shinken," Shuuji confirms, "my mom said so after all."

"Hmm... your mom huh? I see..." Kotori rubs his chin as if in deep thought, "oh welp, let's not worry about that for now. I actually also have a condition for you, stalker-san."

"Please stop calling me that, my name is Shuuji Itsuki so just call me Shuuji."

"Very well, Shuuki, sign this contract right here so I can enroll you into the club." Kotori says as he pulls out a form from within the messes of the table.

That's not my name though? Honestly Wynn was like this, too. Is my name that hard to remember correctly?

"It's Shuuj- nevermind. Is signing the form your only condition?" Shuuji asks as he rummages through his bag for a pen.

"Hehe, the conditions are written on the contract already." Kotori says with a mischievous smile.

The "contract" Kotori spoke of is a single one-sided piece of paper that only has 3 lines (of rules). The page also has a bold and striking title at the top that says: TRAPS ARE NOT GAY!!

The 3 lines of text reads as follow:

# No toxicity or any form of discrimination

# Please keep within personal boundaries

# Be kind and be yourself

There is also a fine print that is crossed out at the top which is barely conceivable: C̶u̶t̶e̶n̶e̶s̶s̶ I̶s̶ ̶J̶u̶s̶t̶i̶c̶e̶

"Just sign at the bottom there and write out your full name please, Shuuki-kyun."

"Please don't add weird honorifics to my name, and it's Shuuji not Shuuki." Shuuji attempts to correct Kotori one last time....

"Ehh, but that's too hard to remember, maybe I'll still call you stalker-san instead."

...only for it to backfire.

"Ugh just do what you want..." Shuuji sighs in defeat as he signs his actual name down.

If I've gotta deal with this club leader everyday then maybe I shouldn't have joined... and this contract, what's it even for? Couldn't they just go with a normal club application form? I don't get it at all...


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⏰ Last updated: Jan 07, 2022 ⏰

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