Chapter 1-7 Careful in the Bath

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It is said that a warm bath at the end of the day can lift all your troubles away, and it has never been more true in the case of Itsuki Shuuji who is currently having the time of his life. Shuuji has completely submerged himself into the piping hot bath with only his face poking out of the water. One can tell from his blissful expression that he has longed for a moment like this.

Therefore, it stands to reason that Shuuji would be very irritated at the sound of his phone buzzing from outside the bathroom doors.


Ughhh just who is it at this hour...

"Hello, this is Itsuki Shuuji, may I ask who this is?" Shuuji gives himself a quick wipe before picking up the phone, the steam making it hard for him to read the caller ID.

"Awww what a stern way of talking." The soothing voice on the other end replies. "But...I don't hate it, our little Shuu-kun is finally growing up!"

"A-Ah kaa-san, it's been a while." Shuuji blushes a bit from the way he addressed his own mother so formally, "why the sudden call?"

"It's because I miss you of course!" Shuuji's mother exclaims with much affection, "how was the first week of school? Are you eating okay? Are you sleeping okay? Did you make some new friends? What about a girlfrie-"

"Kaa-san! That's way too many questions at once!"

"Ahhh, gomen ne Shuu-kun, I got too excited and couldn't help myself..."

"I'm doing really well though," Shuuji answers, "I met this new friend at school today, his name is Wynn. The way he talked was a bit weird but he's actually a really nice guy."

"That's good to hear then."

"I also received a club invitation today-" Shuuji hesitates, not really knowing how to explain the rest to his mother.

"Ohh? What kind of club was it?" Shuuji's mom egged on with curiosity.

"It was a trap club..." Shuuji finally answers, "their club leader invited me out of nowhere. Don't worry kaa-san, I don't plan on joining it."

" that so..." his mother sighs with relief, "you know...the thing about Fuyuki-chan..."

"What of Fuyu-chan!? Did she call our home phone!?" Shuuji becomes instantly engrossed with the mention of his childhood friend.

"Well no..." Shuuji's mother makes a short pause, as if deciding whether or not to tell the truth, but ultimately decides against it, "...but you got into the Shinken High, a prestigious school for elites! You should just enjoy your high school life and maybe even get a girlfriend."

"But kaa-san... you know I can't do that." Shuuji responds in a dejected tone, "the whole reason I wanted to enroll into Shinken... was to find her, to find Fuyu-chan."

"I understand... but this is already the second term of school. Your homeroom teacher, Shirozaki-sensei, called in today as well. He doesn't want you to miss any more classes..." Shuuji's mother pauses as she sighs with concern, "I just don't want you wasting your life chasing something so out of reach, and Fuyuki-chan is..."

"Fuyu-chan is what?" Shuuji presses on, "you keep bringing her up so what is it that you want to say!?"

"Maybe Fuyuki-chan moved on already..."

Moved on...?

What is this feeling in my chest....

The heat and steam filled bathroom is making Shuuji's head spin. His vision becomes hazy as he's reminded of that fateful day 8 years ago....


"Shuu-kun... do you think I'll make a good wife one day?"

"Ehh?? What are you asking out of nowhere!?" answered the flustered Shuuji. The two children sat next to each other in the vast green field, picking out daisies to make a wreath with.

Not far off into the distance was another group of children playing tag, their laughter could be faintly heard across the field.

"I-I didn't mean it that way!" the young girl's face also turns bright red. A gentle summer breeze swept past, as if caressing their wholesomeness. The girl then mumbled under her breath: "I don't mind being your wife though..."

"Fuyu-chan? Did you say something?"

"No I didn't! Hmph!"

"Ah... okay..."

The pair went silent after that. They just sat there, idly, listening to the wind brushing against leaves and kids playing from a distance.

"You know... my dad left mom before I was born." the girl uttered out of nowhere, "mom said that it was 'cuz she wasn't a good wife that dad left her..." Fuyuki's voice trailed off shakily. It didn't take long for it to become a full sob.

"W-When I get... m-married... will I... will I be a good wife...? So I w-won't be... left all alone-"

WIthout letting the girl finish her sentence, Shuuji held her tightly within his arms...

"It'll be okay..." Shuuji whispered into the girl's ears, "I'm sure you will become the best wife there is..."

"C-Can you... stay with me forever then...?" the girl said between sniffles, the corner of her eyes puffy with tears, "promise you won't leave me, Shuu-kun?"




"Shuu-kun! What happened? Are you okay!?"

Shuuji Itsuki snaps back to reality as he feels a throbbing pain in the back of his head. He somehow tipped over a stool and landed flat onto the slippery bathroom floor.

The phone slid a few meters away from him as he fell, but he can still faintly make out his mother panicking over the call.

"I'm okay, I'm okay..." Shuuji says as he rubs his head, "I just tripped over something."

"Are you sure you're okay? That sounded like a pretty big fall! It'd be bad if you got a concussion or something! How about you take tomorrow off? I'll call your sensei to let him kno-"

"I'll be fine kaa-san," Shuuji reassures his mother as he struggles back up, "I can't afford to miss any more classes anyways."

"But how about just this once? I'm sure if-"

"I said I'm fine." Shuuji snaps back, sounding a bit annoyed.


"Shuu-kun, you know the thing I said about Fuyu-chan..." Shuuji's mother speaks with a regretful tone, "gomenasai, I didn't mean to say it like that."

"It's okay, I think I'll finish my bath and head to bed now actually, oyasumi kaa-san."

"Ah... oyasu-"


Shuuji drops his phone onto the pile of dirty laundry. He then limps his way back to the bathtub to test the water with his hand. Lukewarm.

He thinks of nothing as he unplugs the drain, he thinks of nothing as he dries himself up, he thinks of nothing as he struggles over onto his bed.

Shuuji Itsuki has stopped thinking altogether as he closes his eyes, dispassionately waiting for the night to pass.


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