Chapter 1-12 He's Not My Childhood Friend!

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 "...Where did everyone go?" Through sheer force of will to keep the conversation going, Shuuji finally manages to think of a question to ask.

"They all went home of course, class ended about an hour ago." Beru says with a look of confusion but then suddenly recalls. Oh wait...he slept through it all.

"S-Sensei didn't say much when he saw you slacking off, I think he was also really tired today..." Beru makes his best effort to explain the situation.

After all that talk about not being late for class, he sure is lax when it comes to taking naps. But Wynn got away with being late today though, maybe something did happen to Shirozaki-sensei...

"What are you doing here then? Don't you need to start heading home?" Shuuji asks out of concern but mostly curiosity.

"Ah... I saw you sleeping when I left for club activities," Beru says in a bashful way as he twirls his fingers in front of him, "I was worried so I came back to check up on you."


What is this feeling... I know it's a guy but... he's too damn cute.

"Y-You should start heading home then," Shuuji stutters in a panic, he has never been in a situation quite like this before, "I'll have to stay behind and finish my clean-up duties first."

"Oh... how about I help you out with it then...?" Beru asks shyly, his eyes darting between Shuuji and the ground.

"It's okay I-"

What kind of person am I if I were to refuse this? A cute gir- I mean guy is going out of his way to help me, how embarrassing would it be for them if I just downright refused!

"I mean, yeah sure, more help is always appreciated." Shuuji answers in the most generic way possible.


The setting sun bathes the otherwise bland classroom in an orange glow. The two temporary public health committee members are busy with each of their assigned tasks. Shuuji takes over sweeping duty while Beru helps out with wiping the chalk-filled blackboard; they do so in silence though, as neither are good at striking up a conversation.

"There's actually another reason why I came to you..." Beru is the first to speak up while struggling to reach the top of the blackboard.

"What's up?" Shuuji asks as he notices Beru's apparent endeavor and brings him a stool from the corner of the room.

"T-Thanks..." Beru mutters, "I was actually thinking of talking to you about the club invite..."

Oh right... that was a thing huh... I mean I already planned on turning it down. But now that Rin has brought it up, it's gonna be hard to actually refuse...I need to think of a way to word it smoothly without it becoming awkward.

"Yeah I don't think I want to join that club, it's kinda weird and I don't think I will fit in." Shuuji says matter-of-factly.

Crap... I butchered that so badly...

"Ah... is that so..." Beru says as his head droops down, his arm gradually coming to a stop while clenching the eraser in his hand.

"I-I mean it's just not for me, you know..." Shuuji quickly tries to explain.

"For me..." Beru's voice starts to quiver as he begins to sniffle, "for me the trap club is somewhere I can belong, somewhere I can be myself... Our kaichou is bad at explaining things so he never told you, but the club is about to shut down without a fifth member and...."

Watching Beru in front of him stifle a weep, Shuuji couldn't help but feel a wave of nostalgia wash over him.

Where have I seen this before...?


Oh that's right... Fuyu-chan was also like that when she had to move away...

Be it the sunset, the atmosphere or the way Beru is trying his best to hold back his tears. All of which bear a striking resemblance to that fateful day 8 years ago.

Didn't I promise I'd never let her make that face again?

But she's not Fuyuki.

So? I shouldn't make a girl cry like that.

She's not even an actual girl.

So? What are genders for anyways? As long as they're cute, who cares.

"... I've m-made friends in the club as well, a-and met people who really understand me... I just-"

"It's okay, I'll join." Shuuji declares.

"H-Huh?" taken aback by his sudden change of heart, Beru turns around to face Shuuji for the first time. "You mean it?"

"Yeah, I didn't know it was a place that mattered that much to you."

Actually I didn't even know it was gonna shut down if I didn't join.

"I made a promise to never let someone cry like that again, so... cheer up!" Shuuji encourages as he holds up the broom in his hand, "you look cuter when you smile anyways."

Wait a second, what the hell did I just say...


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