Chapter 1-5 The God-forsaken Club

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Beru's scream breaks through the silence as he drops to the floor, covering his skirt with both hands.

"W-What do you think you're doing, Kotori-kaichou!" The teary eyed Beru protests.

"Gomen gomen, my hand slipped." Kotori responds jokingly while pulling off a teehee, "but there you have it, there's no way your childhood friend is Berurin."

"Wait...what did you just call her... I mean him?"

"Berurin, you know, Beru and his last name Rin but it sounds cuter if you say them together."

Beru....Rin...? Why do I feel like I've heard that name before?

Shuuji recalls the little encounter he had this morning with his classmate, Rin. He then makes a mental comparison between the dreary Rin by the lockers and the flustered Rin currently curled up in the corner.

There's no way they're the same person...right?

Seeing that Shuuji is visibly confused, Kotori-kaichou decides to offer him an explanation, "you guys look like you know each other, and you sir, are having trouble recognizing Berurin now that he's dressed like this."

Shuuji gives a nod as Kotori carries on with the explanation.

"Whether you believe it or not, Berurin here is one hundred percent a guy. All I did was apply a little makeup and had him put on the girl's uniform. Now look at how cute he is!"

Shuuji nods again but his confusion hasn't lessened one bit, in fact, Kotori's speech is making him question things even more.

"Even though he was so against it at first... but look at him now! He's grown so much, even getting a job at a maid cafe! I'm so proud of you..." Kotori sounds like the onee-chan that has just witnessed her little brother graduate elementary.

Shuuji could do nothing but nod at the derailing conversation.

What the hell did I get myself into...

"I suppose I should also explain the trap club while I'm at it," Kotori finally decides to go back on track, "well... the name is pretty self explanatory, but traps are basically boys that look cute in female clothing. And we're trying to make the world a better place, one trap at a time!" 

That doesn't explain anything though?!

"Ara...maybe that wasn't the best explanation," Kotori says as she scratches her head in embarrassment, "I'm not really good with stuff like this...."

Despite the failed attempt at clearing up the confusion, Kotori shows no signs of giving up.

"Lemme try this again. Before that, what's your name?"

"It's Shuuji, Itsuki Shuuji."

"Alright Shuuji-kun, wanna join the trap club?"

 The question catches everyone in the room by surprise, stupefied at how ridiculous it was. Even the short girl with twintails stopped punching buttons, only the beeping of the game console can still be heard amidst the deafening silence. 

"Huhhh? What are you talking about!?" Shuuji panics at the proposal, "I just wanted an explanation, and now you want me to join?"

"Well... I just thought that it'll clear up your confusion faster that way." Kotori explains.

"What do you even do in the trap club anyways?"

"We just have fun like any other club," Kotori brags with a smug tone, "that and also it's a place where we can dress up and be ourselves."

"I-Is that so..." Shuuji stammers, thinking that he should probably escape from this god-forsaken place, "wait...what do you mean we?"

"Ahaha that's funny," Kotori can't help but laugh at his innocence, "why did you think that the trap club leader would be an actual girl?"

Shuuji's eyes widen with disbelief as he tries to process the words within his mind.

I mean yeah... Beru was a guy as well so it would make sense. But even though I know they're guys, I can only see them as girls....

"So then the white haired loli is also...."

"Yep he's a shota." Kotori quickly confirms before Shuuji even has a chance to finish, "I know this all seems weird to you, but at least give the offer some more thought, okay? I don't need an answer right away so don't worry."


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