Chapter 2-3 The God-forsaken Club (2)

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 "I-I was just cleaning up the classroom," Shuuji staggers at the sudden intrusion. His arms are still hanging awkwardly in place, but his mind is roaring at high speeds again.

Did he see that?? Did he see me fail miserably at trying to break a broom?? No wait, what is he doing here in the first place!?

"Ah... okay then..." Although Beru still looks puzzled, he decides not to question any further, "well... it's almost time for the club to end and I was just wondering when you'll be there to... you know... to join."

Right.... I did promise to join the trap club...

"Okay, lead the way, I'm pretty much finished here." Shuuji says as he puts away the tattered broomstick that survived against his (pathetic) assault.

Shuuji and Beru walk side by side in the empty after school hallways. Good thing it was empty though, because they could be easily mistaken as a pair of lovey-dovey couple enjoying a leisurely walk in the afternoon glow.

But he's a guy though...

Shuuji can't help but slow down his pace to match up with Beru's, which makes sense when taking his measly 162cm height into consideration. Just looking at Beru is a chore because he would have to slant his head downwards, and even then, could only see Beru's scalp.

For someone this short, he sure runs fast.

Recollections of their little chase a few days ago begin to resurface, and along with it the most recent event that transpired in the classroom.

Well, this is awkward. He's not saying anything about what happened yesterday...

Shuuji then begins to recall the incident which happened exactly 24 hours ago.


"You look cuter when you smile anyways."

Wait a second, what the hell did I just say...

Maybe he didn't hear me. Oh god, please don't hear what I just said.

Shuuji and Beru stared at each other in an awkward silence, it felt as though the air surrounding the classroom itself was at a standstill. The staring contest lasted for a few seconds before they both unanimously looked away.

Badump. Badump.

It was so quiet that Shuuji could hear his own racing heartbeat. After a gruesome tug of war in his own head, Shuuji finally mustered up the courage and snuck a glance at Beru.

Although Beru had stopped sobbing, his face had a weird expression which Shuuji couldn't identify. It looked to be a mix of embarrassment and sorrow, but also with a hint of joy.

"A-About what I said, I didn't mean it like that... I...."

Before letting Shuuji finish, Beru made a run for the exit, for good this time. Shuuji was left alone in the classroom, dumbfounded and perplexed at what just happened.


"So... umm, about what happened yesterday..." Shuuji tries to bring up the topic as a way to seek closure.

"We're here."

Only to be cut off by Beru as the two reach the same dusty looking storage room.

"Okaeriiii!! Ah.. you brought the stalker-san again." the voice coming from the room belonging to none other than Kotori the trap club president in his usual, perky demeanor.

"Weren't you the one that wanted to see him, Koto-nee?" without looking up from the game in his hands, the twintail loli (shota) that's usually quiet and reserved finally speaks up.

"Ara...Shirooo, it's no fun when you point it out like that..." Kotori whines as he makes a pouting face, but his hands are already inching closer to grope Shiro's voluptuous, luscious and substantial... twintails.

"Koto-nee... stop playing with Shiro's hair, you're messing it up again..." Shiro could only protest verbally against the molestation, since both of his hands are occupied with the game console at the moment.

Meanwhile Shuuji and Beru are still standing awkwardly near the entrance, not sure what to make of the situation. Not that they could've done anything to begin with, Beru knows very well that Kotori-kaichou can't be stopped when he's like this...

...but there are still important matters to discuss, leaving Beru no choice but to intervene and put a stop to the glorified sexual assault.


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