Chapter 1-4 Fateful Encounter

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 "Okay, that will be all for today," Shirozaki-sensei finishes writing the last sentence while the Westminster Chime bell rings in the background, "remember to review the materials we've covered in class, dismissed!"

As the classroom is tainted in an orange hue, the taxing school day finally comes to an end. The once quiet classroom is instead filled with laughter and chatter as everyone decides on their plans for the rest of the day. Well... everyone except Shuuji Itsuki.

Ever since his first late attendance, he's been tasked with cleaning up the classroom after school, a job usually reserved for the public health committee whose members change on a weekly basis. Lucky for the committee members of this week that Shuuji's got them covered.

"Hey, thanks again Itsuki-kun! We'll be going now," says one of the members with a bag slouched over his back, "I'll make it in time for my club activities now."

"Ahaha, no worries..." poor Shuuji could do nothing except smile in return.

"Well I'll be going as well then," Yuuki says as he pats Shuuji on the back, "I actually have a very important meeting with my Shishou tonight and I can't afford to miss it."

"Stop lying, you're just gonna go home and play games again!" Shuuji protests.

Yuuki makes a face at his best friend before exiting out of the class as well, the lively classroom soon becomes quiet once again.


I should be done after I finish this last spot....oh no is it already this late again? I'll have to hurry if I wanna make it home before dark.

Shuuji starts to pack up his belongings after putting away the broom. He gives the classroom one last glance before leaving, making sure that everything was tidy. Satisfied with his work, he slides open the classroom door... and bumps into the girl that was just about to head in.

"A-Ah, sorry about that." Shuuji rubs away at his shoulder where the girl's forehead made contact. In front of him, covering her head in pain, is someone he was all too familiar with.

That brown hair and those purple eyes...

"Aren't you the maid from that caf- hey, wait up!" The girl starts running away before Shuuji even finishes his sentence, leaving him no choice but to chase after her.

That girl just now, she was definitely wearing our school uniform. So she was someone from our school after all. I have to ask her. I have to know how they're connected.

The chase goes on for quite some time with Shuuji struggling to keep up, although that was mostly due to his hefty backpack weighing him down.

Finally the girl slows down near a storage room giving Shuuji a chance to catch up. The two end up stopping by the room to catch their breaths.

"I-I just... wanted to... ask you s-something..." Shuuji says between his breaths.

"Yo okaeri, Berurin, did you get the hair tie?" asks a girl from within the room, her voice having a slightly mature but very energetic tone, "you okay? You look like you're being chased by a stal-...wahhh the stalker-san appeared!"

"Help meeee Kotori-kaichouuuu!" Beru cries out while hiding behind Kotori, the supposed club president, "this hentai has been chasing me all over the school!"

"Hey, I'm not a stalker or a pervert!" Shuuji denies as he leans by the doorway, but the way he was panting doesn't help his case, "and you're the one that started running first!"


After both parties have calmed down, Shuuji is offered a seat by the messy manga-filled table. In front of him sits 3 girls, one of which is still looking at him warily.

On the opposite end of the table is the girl referred to as "club president". She has short light blue hair that reaches down to her chin and cheeks that give off a natural pinkish blush.

Situated to her right is a girl with long silky hair the colour of snow, she has her hair in twintails while her feet dangle in the air. She doesn't seem to notice Shuuji's intrusion as she carries on playing the game console in her hands.

And the third and last girl that Shuuji was just chasing...well...she is currently sneaking glances at him, too scared to make eye contact.

"So mind explaining what you were doing to my kawaii club member?" Kotori finally asks while inspecting the intruder with visible bloodlust.

"As I said you've got it all wrong!" Shuuji explains, "I just wanted to ask her something."

"Her, you say..." Kotori's animosity quickly dissipates, replaced by a look of amusement, "Interesting... and what is it that you wanted to ask hi- I mean her?"

"Well that's..." Shuuji hesitates, unsure if he should admit to the truth, "she reminds me of someone I once knew... it was a girl around my age, we used to be really good friends together and..."


"...and one day she just left without saying anything..." Shuuji finishes, lowering his head as the melancholic memories resurface.

"I see... and you're sure it was a girl around your age, right?"

"Of course I'm sure!" Shuuji snaps back, "are you saying I made this up?"

"No no that's not what I'm saying..." Kotori assures him, while her hand reaches for Beru's skirt, "Berurin here couldn't possibly be your childhood friend then... since she's a guy!"

Kotori announces as she flips up the skirt, revealing Beru's undergarments and well... something that should not have been there.

The act catches Beru (and the rest of the entourage) off guard as the room becomes completely still.


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