Chapter 1-9 Are Traps Gay?

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"Hey... so what do you guys think of traps?"

Shuuji, Yuuki and Wynn have combined their desks together to form a big enough area to talk to and eat with during the lunch break. But Shuuji's question has clearly caught the other two off guard as they both look up from their food mid-bite.

"Mhuh?" Yuuki gulps down the rice that was already in his mouth, "what are you on about out of nowhere?" 

"Y-You know... they look like girls but they're actually guys." Shuuji answers awkwardly, regretting the conversation already.

"Wellllllll, what do you mean 'what about them'? They're just doing whatever they want right?" Wynn says in his usual lazy tone, "I don't see any problems with it."

"I guess that's true..." Shuuji responds absentmindedly.

Maybe I should have clarified my question...

"So did you get catfished or something?" Yuuki asks out of nowhere, his eyes beaming with curiosity.

This guy... It's like Chuuni and gossip are the only two things on his mind...

"I was just curious," Shuuji brushes the question off, "oh that reminds me, you know that maid we thought looked familiar the other day?"

"Of course, how could I forget a spy sent by the Syndicate, let alone a spy that's in the same school as us."

"Well, he is from our school but he's not a spy." Shuuji reveals nonchalantly, "he's a guy actually."

"LOL, man's saying some funny things, right Yuuki-kun?" Wynn chuckles as he elbows Yuuki to his left.

"Yeah... what are you talking about, there is no way my Magan(魔眼) could've been wrong..." Yuuki agrees but with a worried expression.


"Nope, he is one hundred percent a dude." Shuuji declares, curious to see the other two's reactions.

"B-But she's a maid..." Yuuki mutters.

"A butler actually, now that I think about it." Shuuji remarks.

"A-And I've ordered the Moemoe Omurice from her..." Wynn mumbles.

"It's a him unfortunately." Shuuji corrects once again.

Yuuki and Wynn found themselves in a state of dismay and denial, the likes of which they've never experienced.

"AHAHAHA! I would have expected nothing less from the Syndicate," Yuuki announces in his over-dramatic deep voice, "they even have a member capable of bypassing my indomitable Magan(魔眼), quite impressive indeed!"

Yup...this one's a goner...

"I guess it just be like that," Wynn seems to have moved on to the stage of acceptance already, "I mean as I said there's nothing wrong with it. Plus, they look cute, sooo...."

Yeah... wait no! Cute or not they still have a thing down there!

"You mentioned sh- I mean he's in fact someone from our school right?" Yuuki has recovered somewhat from the shock, "did you find out who it was then? If it's a Syndicate member capable of bypassing even my most advanced detection magic, I would by all means like to meet him."

"Yeah, his name is B-" Shuuji suddenly stops himself mid-sentence.

I get the feeling that there's a reason behind him crossdressing, and it shouldn't be my place to expose his actual identity.

"B-Baru, yeah, his name is Baru."

"Baru huh... most peculiar," Yuuki muses on, "I certainly have heard of such a name before, but my recollection grows dull with the passage of time."

Oi, just forget about it. Also why do you suddenly sound like a millennia old man?


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