Chapter 2-1 Stay Safe During the Pandemic Everyone!

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 Friday is a day that is beloved by all. The single weekday that acts as an oasis, signaling the end of a long and strenuous week and marking the start of the holidays.

However, rather than feeling joyous like everyone else, Shuuji is currently agonizing over the things he's said to a fellow girlish looking classmate.

No matter how much he looks like Fuyu-chan, there's no way I should mix the two of them up.

Ughh just what was I thinking when I said that his smile looked cute...

Shuuji collapses over his desk, feeling calmer after adhering himself to the cool oakwood surface. Though this is only the second period, it feels as if he's already finished the entire school year.

"You okay? Did you use too much healing magic?"

Shuuji hears a whisper towards his left. Rolling his head lazily to the side, he sees Yuuki wearing a look of concern.

"Yeah... just been really tired recently." Shuuji whispers back.

Up ahead by the podium is Shirozaki-sensei doing his usual lectures. Despite lunch break being right around the corner, Shirozaki-sensei is determined to make use of every last second of the remaining class time.


"-and I'm hoping to see everyone on time after lunch break, class dismissed!"

"Right on time again, huh? But how many years is that Shirozaki-sensei by the way." Wynn casually exclaims while moving his desk forward to join his two friends.

"If you're asking how old he is, then I have no clue..." Shuuji responds in a dejected tone.

"Man just doesn't get the joke," Wynn gives a playful pat on Shuuji's back, before realizing that his friend isn't looking too well. "...You aight?"

"He's been like this all morning, I've tried asking what's wrong but he won't tell me." In his concern over his friend, Yuuki has briefly forgotten about his Chuuni complex.

"Look at how red his face is, you think he's got a fever or something?" Wynn lowers his voice to Yuuki, who's also examining the weary Shuuji.

"I hope not... that virus is pretty contagious, and the school board has advised us not to come to school if- I mean, it's preposterous to think that Shuuji-kun could have fallen ill from a measly malady only contractable by humans with a feeble immune system!" Yuuki's Chuunibyou status has been regained.

"Huh?? Weren't you the one that said the virus was contagious in the first place??" Wynn questions back.

The pair goes on to argue for a good minute, the conversation rapidly derailing from Shuuji's well-being to just anything in general including Demon Lords, Abyss Magic and the Syndicate (Okay, it was mostly Yuuki).

"I'll... go buy something to eat." Shuuji, not wanting to interrupt, wobbles up from his desk and heads for the door in a zombified fashion.

Wynn and Yuuki cease their blathering in unison as they watch Shuuji limp out of the classroom with unease. Yeah, there's definitely something going on with him.


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