Chapter 1-11 KONO DIO DA

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Standing in the middle of the vast nothingness is a figure with her back turned towards Shuuji. Something about the girl is oddly familiar to him but he can't exactly grasp why.

Shuuji wants to shout but his voice won't come out. Instead he decides to make his way towards the girl but his legs feel heavier with every step he takes, almost as if treading through quicksand. When Shuuji finally reaches her, half of his body has already been swallowed up by the void below.

With his last bit of strength Shuuji reaches forward hoping that the girl notices.

She thankfully does and turns around, revealing an extremely chiseled face brimming with masculinity.

"You thought it was another dream with your childhood friend, BUT IT WAS ME, DIO-"



In his panic Shuuji kicks the floor while propelling himself away from his desk, the chair leans back from the momentum and soon loses its grip as it plans its crash with Shuuji on top. However, only the chair makes it safely onto the floor as Shuuji's head is intercepted by the hard wooden desk behind him.

Shuuji lays sprawled out onto the floor as a sharp pain shoots through the back of his head, the collision just now might have made his previously acquired bump slightly bigger. With almost no strength or will to get up, Shuuji instead opts to marvel at the ceiling tiles which appear to be spiraling out of control.

It feels good here... maybe I'll just lie here until the end of the school.



Fighting back the extreme disorientation, Shuuji forces himself up from the ground. With a hand over his head and the other supporting the floor he slowly maneuvers his way up to a sitting position.

"Are you okay?"

Hearing a voice call out to him, Shuuji looks around for the first time and notices many things. For one, the classroom is nearly empty, as if school had already ended. And two, a girl that looked very familiar is standing right in front of him, wearing a worried expression.

"Fuyu...chan...?" Shuuji couldn't help but mutter.

"Who...?" The girl doesn't seem to recognize the name, or rather, the boy doesn't seem to recognize the name, "It's me, Rin..."

"Ahhh, sorry about that," Shuuji scratches his head in embarrassment but seems to have forgotten the bump which also resides there, "ouch...that hurts."

"That looks bad, let me take a closer look."

Beru leans forward while inching his face closer, the distance between the two quickly vanishes as Shuuji soon finds himself face to chest with his childhood friend look-alike.

C-Close... He's really close to me! But his face looks so smooth and plump up close, ahh I kinda wanna poke it... Wait, what the hell am I thinking about! Why am I flustered in the first place anyways!

"You have a really big bump over your head..." Beru's voice resonates right next to Shuuji's ear, "are you sure you're okay..?"

"I'm fine!" Shuuji's voice cracks a little from the nervousness as he shoves Beru away, he can feel the burning sensation all over his face while his heart races, "I'll be okay, so don't worry."

"S-Sorry about that, I didn't mean to..." Beru's face is also bright red, perhaps even more so than Shuuji, "I was just making sure you're okay...well then... see you tomorrow!"

Beru then turns around and starts making a beeline for the door, his way of dealing with awkwardness might just be running away.

"Wait!" Shuuji is in no state to start another chase, but he still has so many questions for his fellow classmate.


To his surprise, Beru stops right before the door. He turns around hesitantly with hands clutched over his chest while responding in a shaky voice.


After the brief call and response, the two stare at each other in an uncomfortable silence. Though Shuuji does have a million questions in mind, they all seem to have dissipated in those few seconds.


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