Chapter 1-6 Potential Fifth Member

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 As the last ray of sunlight disappears in the horizon, Itsuki Shuuji finally steps foot out of the school gates. Hauling along his heavy backpack he makes his way home with steady paces. Right now the only two things on his mind are eating a good meal and taking a nice, long bath.

Meanwhile on the other side of the school campus, the trap club is currently under chaos, giving it a feel more akin to a debate club from a distance.

"HUHHH?! JUST WHAT ARE YOU THINKING INVITING A GUY INTO THE CLUB?" screams a voice through the phone, not belonging to any of the three previously introduced members.

"Woah woah calm down Rena-chan," says another softer, smoother voice belonging to the trap club president, Kotori. "I mean the club is gonna disband if I don't find a fifth member soon."

"I get that yeah, but why did it have to be a guy?"

"Aren't we technically guys though?" Kotori remarks as he pops another piece of potato chip into his mouth, "mmmh, this new cucumber flavour is not bad at all."

"CAN YOU PAY MORE ATTENTION TO OUR CONVERSATION RIGHT NOW?!" Even the table which the phone was laying on vibrates from the pure intensity of the voice, "Geez I'm surprised the club even survived this long with a kaichou as irresponsible as you."

"Ahaha I'll take that as a compliment," Kotori takes no offense to the comment and continues to read the manga in front of him, "woah this fight scene actually looks dope, I wonder how they drew it."


followed by a sigh from the phone that's currently on speaker mode.

"I can't tell if you're purposely trying to tick me off or something... what did Beru and Shiro have to say about this?"

"Oh they were both pretty shocked with the decision to be honest, but I mean the boy's got potential," Kotori pauses, lowering the manga in his hands, "and I don't mean trap potential... I think he's someone that can really help save those gals, maybe even save you."

"Oh? I don't remember ever asking to be saved though, and how can you tell from someone that you've barely met."

"I can, with my Kami no Me(神の眼)," Kotori says as he makes a sideways peace sign over his left eye (even though nobody was watching), "and plus when have I ever been wrong with my intuition?"

"The chuuni stuff I'm not sure about but I guess your intuition has always been on point." Rena agrees reluctantly.

"Also, when are you coming back again? The club gets quite lonely without you."

"I told you I'll be back in a week, geez not only are you irresponsible but you also have the memory of a goldfish."

"Hey, you stole that line from Shiro didn't you?"

"Maybe...So why are you still in the club room? Isn't it pretty late for you over there?"

"Ahhhh you know... the newest chapter of On⬛ Pi⬛ce just got released, I wanted to finish it no matter what."

"That manga has been finished since last year..." Rena's usual intense voice is instead filled with concern. "It's your parents again isn't it?"

"Ahahaha I have no idea what you're talking about..."


"You know...I'd like to bet on the possibility that your intuition is right." Rena carries on with the same perturbed yet gentle tone, "then maybe he can save you as well."


"It's getting late so I'm gonna start heading back" Kotori is the first to break the silence, "don't worry too much about me, and have a safe trip home after you're done dealing with whatever you're dealing with."

"Huh?? Nobody's worrying about you! Just don't forget to lock the club room door, baka kaichou!"


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