Chapter 1-10 Dreamland

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Lunch break comes and goes like always, and Shirozaki-sensei's afternoon sessions soon follow. However the majority of the class's attentiveness is at an all time low.

After all, eating too much during a meal would cause a rise in blood sugar, and a dip in energy may follow. A fact that everyone would've known already if they paid any attention to the currently ongoing biology course.

"...another cause for postprandial somnolence is the consumption of foods rich in protein and carbohydrates...."

Shirozaki-sensei's voice sounds rather distant, as if from a dream or another dimension. Shuuji Itsuki is currently trying his hardest to keep his drooping eyelids open, but being up since 5:30 certainly didn't make it easy.

On the opposite side of the class sits Beru Rin in his usual male attire. Although his short stature and long ponytail makes it really easy to mistake him for a girl from the back.

"Okay, Rin-san, please start reading from the third passage."

The sudden shift in his teacher's tone brings Shuuji back from the brink of dreamland. He then turns his attention to Beru, who is now standing up to read the assigned paragraph.

"While some believe that feeling sleepy after a meal is an instinctive human trait that our cave-dwelling, hunting, and foraging ancestors handed down. It is possible that..."

The unexpressive and emotionless way of reading reminds Shuuji of the first time they met by the lockers, where they barely shared an exchange of words before hurrying to class.

Now that I think about it, we've never really talked at all. I wonder if he's always that cold during school.

Finally having found something to focus on besides the boring lecture, Shuuji is able to alleviate some of his sleepiness. It isn't long before a realization hits him though: everything that has happened so far, from the weird dreams to the even weirder club invitation, was in fact caused by Beru.

Why was I so fixated on him anyways? Sure he gives off the same feeling as Fuyu-chan but in the end he's a guy. Also why was I even invited to the trap club to begin with, there's no way they want me to crossdress right?

Shuuji can't help but shiver at the thought. While he isn't exactly bad looking by any means, none of his features could be deemed effeminate. From his slightly pimpled forehead to his well defined jawline, Shuuji Itsuki could probably never pass as a girl. Not to mention his broad shoulders and overall manly build.

Why am I even bothering with this anyways... I should just stop thinking about it and focus on regular school stuff, like kaa-san have wanted...

It doesn't take long before Shuuji Itsuki succumbs to his drowsiness, with arms crossed over the table as a makeshift pillow, he drifts off to sleep without a care in the world.


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