Did Harry just say he loved me? I couldn't 'wake up' now. I had to 'sleep' for a little bit longer.
I heard the door to the bathroom shut beside me. The water started. He was getting in the shower. I can 'wake up'.
I got up and fixed my hair and then walked downstairs to find a girl in the living room portion of the apartment. "W-who are you?" I asked. A fan broke in? Dang, they'll do anything!
She turned around and looked at me. "Oh, hello! I'm Danielle Peazer, who might you be?" she questioned.
"I'm Kate Lukson." I paused. "W-why are you here?"
She giggled. "Oh, um I've been seeing Liam lately and he told me to wait down here for him and the rest of the boys to take showers. The other boys don't know I'm here yet. Liam was going to introduce me to everyone after they took their showers." after she explained why she was here, I somewhat understood. I was still confused when I found out Liam had been seeing someone!
"Oh ok. Well.. Danielle, do you want something to eat?" I asked her, she shook her head. "Ok. If you change your mind, let me know!" I walked into the kitchen and made myself some pancakes.
I heard stumbling down the stair. "hey babe." I'm guessing it was Liam. "I'll hide you in my room while I continue getting ready."
Liam gathered everyone in the living room. "Ok guys.. And Kate. I have a little announcement. Danielle?" he called. She came down from upstairs and stood by Liam's side, cuddling with him. "I've been dating Danielle for a month now and she travelled here on the same plane as us. She sat behind Kate and Harry."
"Congrats Liam!" Louis shouted.
I ran up and hugged Danielle. "You're perfect for him!" I whispered in her ear so only she could hear me.
I retreated from her and sat back down, next to Harry. "I'm ready to tell them." I whispered to Harry.
Harry nodded. "Hey guys. I'm really happy for you two! But I also have an announcement." he paused to look at me, I nodded for him to continue. "Kate and I are in a relationship. She's my girlfriend!"
The room grew silent. As one voice screamed out. "WHAT?!" the voice belonged to Niall. You could tell he was mad. "WHAT THE HELL, HARRY? Y'KNOW I LOVE HER!"
My mouth dropped when I saw Niall clenching his fists, drawing them up over his head. "NIALL! What's wrong?"
I laughed, slightly scared of Niall at the time. "Niall, he's not using me. I love him! Why can't you accept that?" I questioned.
He tried to be calm. "I accept that you love him. But I KNOW that he doesn't love you back!" he still shouted.
Why wouldn't Harry love me back? He'd said he loved me everyday. The day I met him, he wouldn't leave me alone for a second. It got annoying, but it was cute!
I was backstage at their next interview. They were on GMA. The spokesperson's name was Kelli. "So, Harry. I heard you're taken now?"
He nodded. "Yes, I'm happily taken!" I heard Niall give a disgusted sound.
"Looks like we have a jealous friend?" she said looking at Niall.
"Jealous? No. Um I have a song I want to perform, please?" Niall stated. Kelli nodded. "Thank you. Can Harry's girlfriend come and sit down on the sofa?" I walked out and sat next to Harry. "This is inspired by you, Kate. It's called Loved You First."
Niall played the song and I started to cry in the middle of it but pulled myself together before it ended.
Kelli spoke when Niall sat back down. "Wow. Kate what do you have to say to that?"she asked.
I honestly didn't know what I thought. "I-I um." I started, not knowing what I was going to say. But I just poured what my heart thought. "Niall, I know you fancy me but I love Harry. You're like a brother to me, Niall. Nothing more. I love you, just not in the way you want me to. That song is beautiful and it'll be a hit, I promise. But I'm sorry, 'we' won't happen. Sorry. I love you so much but you're like my brother! Dating your brother is weird. Imagine if you dated Lesley! It just won't happen, Niall. I'm sorry."
He nodded. "What do you think about this jealousy?" Kelli pointed the question towards Harry.
"I honestly don't think this will come in between Niall and I. We have a strong friendship. Nothing can break it. I love the fact I can call Kate mine. I really do. But it crushes me that it's hurting Niall. We were gunna keep it a secret longer but I think we both thought that if we had kept it from them longer than we did, then things would've been worse." Harry answered.
"Niall, how do you feel about these arrangements?" Kelli asked.
"As long as Kate is happy, I'm happy." he lied.