Venom/ Eddie Brock (R)

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Eddie has just walked out of Mrs Chen's shop with some food that Venom would allow him to eat and keep down. When they heard the pitter-patter of feet and little whimpers making their way out of an alleyway that they walked pasted. Eddie would ignore it and carry on with his night, but Venom yanked him back and started to pull him down the alleyway.

"Venom! Venom!" Eddie kept calling him. "Would you stop?!"

Venom carried on, pulling him down the alleyway. When Eddie was about to say something else, he suddenly stopped and fell onto his bottom. The moving feet had stopped by now. The whippers had not. However, now they could tell it was someone crying, and by its sounds, it could be a small child.

"Hey!" Eddie whispered-shouted to Venom on his shoulder. "What are you doing?"

"I am trying to find the thing that smells of blood." Venom answered as he sniffed the air.

This got Eddie's attention. Looking around, he began to look for anything out of place. He saw nothing. He was about to tell Venom when they noticed small feet sticking out from behind a dumpster. Slowly they made their way over to them. Looking around the dumpster, they saw a little girl, no older than five, sitter there. Tears streamed down her face as blood covered the dress that she was wearing.

Eddie made his way to her, but she pulled herself into a ball when she noticed they were watching her. It took him a while to calm her down, but he soon learnt that her name was y/n. However, every time y/n was asked about the blood, a tiny whimper would be let out before she began shaking her head. Venom decided that he wanted to pop out from hiding behind Eddie's shoulder. They were expecting to hear screams, not giggles. There was silence.

"I am keeping her." Venom said.

"What!" Eddie shouted out of shock. "You cannot just decide to take a child in from the streets."

"I'm keeping her."

"No, you are not."

"Yes, I am."


"Yes!" They kept going back and forth with one another.

"Fine!" Eddie finally shouted out after five minutes of the backwards and forwards. "However, we go and report it to the police first."

"Wha-!" Venom began to speak.

"Otherwise, we would get done for kidnapping if she has been reported missing." Eddie carried on saying before Venom began to argue with him.

Vemon stayed quiet, and Eddie took that as his agreement. Picking y/n up, they walked to the nearest police station. The police explained to Eddie that y/n's parents were murdered a couple of hours before they arrived, and officers were out looking for y/n. The police officer called child services, but they would not be there until the next day as they had already begun looking for relatives that could take them.

"We will watch them for the night." Venom said for Eddie.

The officer raised an eyebrow at the vice change. An agreement was made. The officers on duty did not want to make a child spend a night in a police station. They allowed Eddie to take her back to his apartment, and there would be an officer waiting outside in case anything happened. Eddie said he would bring her back to the station if he heard anything by ten o'clock.

When they got back to Eddie's apartment, they got y/n out of the blood-covered dress and into one of Eddie's tops. Both Eddie and Venom spent the night giving y/n the best time of their life with what they had. They hoped it would take forever for the next day to come and any news heard back from the station.

Eddie thought it was best to start making their way back to the station when nine-thirty rolled by. There was no news when they arrived. An hour later, they were told y/n had no relatives to take her on, and she would go into the system.

'We can take her.' Venom told Eddie through their link.

"How long would it take for me to be qualified to foster her?" Eddie asked.

The officer looked shocked, then began explaining the steps to become a foster parent. Y/n went into the system while Eddis, and Venom, became foster parents for her. It took them over six months to get the right qualifications, and not long after that, Eddie began looking into adopting y/n as he saw her as a daughter.

Venom would not stop talking about it as well.

Two years later.

Eddie walked into Mrs Chen's shop as he was picking up some snacks for himself and Venom.

"Hey, Eddie!" Mrs Chen called to him.

"Hey, Mrs Chen!" He called back.

"Were is y/n?" She questioned. A smile grows on his face.

"She is at school," Eddie answered. "Finally as y/n Brock."

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